BM Files

BM Files General

BM files contain bitmaps for such things as the game status displays, main screen backgrounds, force and item icons. They may or may not contain mulitple images, palettes, and may be 8-bit or 16-bit images.

The BM file is structured in two parts with a possible third for 8-bit BMs.

File structure:



TPalette         // the palette is only present in some 8-bit files (Bk*.bm)

The header for a BM file is:



  FileType    : array[0..2] of char;     // 'BM ' - notice space after BM

  Ver         : Byte;                    // Apparently version = $20 - 2.0?

  Unknown1    : Longint;                 // = $46

  Unknown2    : Longint;                 // = 0

  PalInc      : Longint;                 // 0, 1 or 2 ;  2 = palette included

  NumImages   : Longint;                 // number of images in file

  XOffset     : Longint;                 // X-offset (for overlaying on other BMs)

  YOffset     : Longint;                 // Y-offset (for overlaying on other BMs)

  Transparent : Longint;                 // Transparent colour

  Uk3         : Longint;                 // = 1 in 16-bit BMs, = 0 in 8-bit BMs

  NumBits     : Longint;                 // 8 = 8-bit BM, 16 = 16-bit BM

  BlueBits    : Longint;                 // = 5 for 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  GreenBits   : Longint;                 // = 6 for 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  RedBits     : Longint;                 // = 5 for 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  Uk4         : Longint;                 // = 11 in 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  Uk5         : Longint;                 // = 5 in 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  Uk6         : Longint;                 // = 0

  Uk7         : Longint;                 // = 3 in 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  Uk8         : Longint;                 // = 2 in 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  Uk9         : Longint;                 // = 2 in 16-bit BMs, else = 0

  Padding     : Array[0..12] of Longint; // = 0



Next follows Image data

First Image always at offset 0x80 (128).


  SizeX  :  Longint;                       // Image horizontal size in pixels

  SizeY  :  Longint;                       // Image vertical size in pixels

  Data   :  Array[SizeX * SizeY] of byte;  // Image data for 8-bit image


            Array[SizeX * SizeY] of word;  // Image data for 16-bit image


Note:  Repeated for the number of entrys in NumImages of header

The image data starts with the pixel in the top-left corner of the image, and defines pixels in rows going downwards. For 8-bit images, each byte in the Data array is an index into the palette. For 16-bit images, each word contains the RGB values for a pixel, where the least significant 5 bits are the blue intensity, followed by 6 bits for green intensity, and the most significant 5 bits are the red intensity.

Followed by the optional palette information if BM is 8-bit, and PalInc = "2" in header.

TPalette=array[0..255] of record

  r, g, b : byte;
