JKL Files

JKL Files General

JKL is a simple DOS text file. Comments are accepted - everything from character '#' to the end of the line is ignored.

For example:

# version and global constant settings

JKL file is made up of sections. The start of a section is marked by "SECTION:" keyword at the beginning of the line, followed by the name of the section. Section end is marked by "end" keyword or beginning of a new section.

These are the following sections (in the order they appear in JKL file}:


This section is empty.


This section contains LEC logo in ASCII art. Apparently for copyright purposes. It must be included with Jkl file


This section contains level attributes.

Version                2                # Level version
World Gravity          4.00             # Gravity. 4 = normal.
Ceiling Sky Z          15.000000        # How high above you ceiling skies appear
Horizon Distance       100.000000       # How distant horizon skies appear
Horizon Pixels per Rev 768.0            # Pixels of horizon texture seen per revolution
Horizon Sky Offset     0.0 0.0          # x,y offsets of horizon sky texture
Ceiling Sky Offset     0.0 0.0          # x,y offsets of ceiling sky texture
MipMap Distances       1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0  # Distances to change Mip-maps
LOD Distances          0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2  # Distances to change 3DO detail levels
Perspective distance   2.00             # ?
Gouraud distance       2.00             # ?


This section contains the list of all sounds, used directly or indirectly. I.e. - referenced in sectors, templates, SNDs and COGs.

World sounds N
# N is number of sounds in the list.

df_door2-1.wav    # List of sounds
end               # End of section


This section contains the list of materials used in the level.

World materials N
# N is number of materials in the list

0:	hdback.mat      1.000000    1.000000
1:	hdbottom.mat    1.000000    1.000000
end		# End of section


This section contains the information about all vertices, texture vertices, surfaces, normals and adjoins of the level, but not sectors. Surfaces must all be convex.

World Colormaps N
# Number of colormaps used in the level.

0:	09Fuel.cmp	# List of colormaps

World vertices N
# Number of vertices in the level

#vertex:  X         Y          Z
0:       11.499995  7.575000  -5.200000	
1:       11.499979  7.275014  -5.200001

World texture vertices N
# Number of texture vertices in the level

#num:  u:          v:       # U V - texture coordinates
0:     0.000000    0.999980	
1:     640.001221  0.999980

Texture vertices are specified in texels and not dependant on texture size (unlike usual texture coordinates accepted by 3d libraries). So to translate them to U,V accepted by OpenGl or Direct3D, you need to divide them by the width/height of the texrure. IE::
d3dU=u/texture_width; d3dV=v/texture_height;

World adjoins N
# N is number of adjoins in the level

#num:	flags:	mirror:	 dist:
0:      0x7     999      0.29
1:      0x7     2        0.90
999:    0x7     0        0.57

"Mirror" field is is the number of Adjoin (in the list of Adjoins).
"Dist" is a distance from the surface to the center of the sector

World surfaces N
# Number of surfaces in the level

#num:   mat:  surfflags:  faceflags: geo: light: tex: adjoin: extralight: nverts: vertices:               intensities:
0:      -1    0x0         0x0        0    3      1    0       0.00        4       16,-1 17,-1 20,-1 0,-1  0.159676   0.422598   0.127744  0.005013	
1:      307   0x24        0x4        4    3      1    -1      0.00        4       17,4  22,5  23,6  20,7  0.664690   0.459507   0.419392  0.395703	
2:      2     0x0         0x4        4    3      1    999     0.00        4       75,3  76,17 77,18 79,19 0.325678   0.456224   0.234435  0.253744           
3:      253    0x4        0x4        4    3      1    -1      0           4       4,14  5,15  6,16  7,17   .137614    .137614    .137614   .137614   .128789   .128789   .128789   .128789   .148912   .148912   .148912   .148912   .264894   .264894   .264894   .264894

"mat" is index of material in the list of materials. -1 means none.
"adjoin" is the index of adjoin in the list of adjoins. -1 means none.
"Nverts" is a number of vertices in this surface.

Then go indices of vertices as:


followed by intensities of light at the corresponding vertices.Intensities go from 0 to 1.0 , 0 being pitch black ,1.0 being max brightness,values over 1.0 are treated as 1.0.
MOTS: Intensities now have the format of four values for each vertice .Each four value set equates to (mono,red,green,blue).This is for colored lighting

After the list of surfaces directly follows the list of corresponding normals:

#--- Surface normals ---
0:   0.000000   -1.000000   0.000000
1:   0.976194    0.000011   0.216900

Section: SECTORS

This section contains sectors of the level. Sector is a closed polyhedron. All sectors must be convex.

World sectors N
# N is number of sectors in the level.

Each sector is the following:

SECTOR        0                     # Number of sector
FLAGS         0x1004
AMBIENT LIGHT 0.35                  # Ambient light in the sector. 1=full light?
COLORMAP      0                     # Index of colormap in the list of colormaps
TINT          0.00      0.00       0.00      # r g b values of the tint?
BOUNDBOX      9.599991  7.275000  -5.200001  11.599995  7.575000  -4.250000    # Sector's bounding box
COLLIDEBOX    9.690434  7.288570  -5.157030  11.509529  7.561431  -4.250062    # unclear how different it is from BBOX
SOUND         09fueltanksfilling01.wav  0.500000        # Ambient sound in the sector?
CENTER        10.599993 7.425000  -4.725000             # Center of the sector
RADIUS        1.117197				# Radius of the circle sector is inscribed in?
VERTICES      26                    # Number of vertices this sector uses
0:            0                     # Index of the vertex in the list of vertices
1:            1

SURFACES      0          23         # Index of first surface. Then number of surfaces in the sector.

COLLIDEBOX - maximum box that fits in the sector completely.This is optional , but required to be there if the sector flag "Has collidebox" is set. Jk also sets the flag automaticly if the COLLIDEBOX line is present.

Section: AICLASS

This section is a list of .AI files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World AIClasses N
# N is number of AI classes in the list

0:  turbdefault.ai
1:  peddefault.ai
end            # End of section

Section: MODELS

This section is the list of 3DO files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World models N
# N is a number of 3DOs in the list

0:	 bryv.3do
1:	 sabv.3do
end			# End of section

Section: SPRITES

This section is the list of SPR files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World sprites N
# N is a number of SPR files in the list

0:   detx.spr
1:   debrisx.spr
end			# End of section


This section is the list of KEY files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World keyframes N
# N is a number of KEY files in the list

0:	fistvmnt.key
1:	fistvdis.key
end			# End of section


This section is the list of PUP files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World puppets N
# N is a number of PUP files in the list

0:	 ky.pup
1:	 cr.pup
end			# End of section

Section: Soundclass

This section is the list of PUP files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World soundclasses N
# N is a number of SND files in the list

0:	med_door.snd
1:	sm_elev.snd
end			# End of section

Section: cogscripts

This section is the list of COG files used in the level, directly and indirectly.

World scripts N
# N is a number of COG files in the list

0:	 kyle.cog
1:	 class_boxturret.cog
end			# End of section

Section: cogs

This section lists COGs you assigned to objects (sectors, surfaces, things) in your level.

World cogs N
# N is a number of entries in the list. This should be the number of cogs in this section + number of cogs in COGSCRIPTS SECTION.

#Num	Script          Symbol values
0:	00_door.cog         2    -1   -1   -1      8.000000 2.000000 0.500000
1:	09_secr_elev.cog    163  122  148  9701  3 0.250000 5.000000 4.000000
end		# End of section

After the name of the COG go the parameters of the cog, in exactly same order you declared them in COG. For instance, if you have the following in the "Symbols" section of your COG:


Then you'll have

0: mycog.cog  10 15 mysound.wav

Where 10 would be the index of sector in the sector list, 15 - index of thing in thing list and mysound.wav - name of sound to use. Note that if you specify

0: mycog.cog  10 15 mysound1.wav

the sound that will be used will be mysound1.wav, even though it says mysound.wav in COG. Also note that if you declare something in COG as:


You can't override those values from JKL.


This section declares templates for level things. See Template section for more information.

World templates N
# N is number of items in the list.

#Name:           Based On:        Params:
_decor           none             orient=(0.000000/0.000000/0.000000) type=cog collide=1 move=path
_structure       _decor           collide=3 thingflags=0x8
end		# End of section

The base template is "none". You declare other templates based on it, overriding the values of some fields. You can further declare templates based on templates you declared, etc, etc. This is done for convenience. Templates starting with _ seem to be templates that are only declared to be used to declare other templates. Templates starting with + seem to be templates for the things that are created at gameplay time (projectiles, etc.).

Templates must also be placed in order. Ie any template referencing another , that referenced template must be in the list of templates first.

This would work
walkthing   none  type=actor  etc etc ......
flything    none  type=actor  creathing=walkthing etc etc ....

This would not work
flything    none  type=actor  creathing=walkthing etc etc ....
walkthing   none  type=actor  etc etc ......

Here's the list of fields you can set in templates (with types):

type	- can be: actor, weapon, item, explosion, cog, ghost, corpse, player, particle
aiclass             - string. Name of AI file.
airdrag             - float
angvel              - vector
blasttime           - float
buoyancy            - float
chance              - float  
cog                 - string. Name of COG file.
collide             - integer
count               - int
creatething         - string. Name of template
damage              - float
damageclass         - hex int
debris              - string. Name of template.
elementsize         - float
error               - float
explode             - string. Name of template
eyeoffset           - vector
fireoffset          - vector
flashrgb            - vector  
fleshhit            - String. Name of template. 
force               - float
fov                 - float 
health              - float
height              - float
jumpspeed           - float
light               - float
lightintensity      - vector
lightoffset         - vector
mass                - float
material            - string. Name of MAT file
maxheadpitch        - float
maxhealth           - float
maxlight            - float
maxrotthrust        - float
maxrotvel           - float
maxthrust           - float
maxvel              - float
mindamage           - float
minheadpitch        - float
minsize             - float
model3d             - string. Name of 3DO file.
move                - can be: none, physics, path
movesize            - float
orient              - vector
particle            - string. Name of PAR file.
physflags           - hex int
pitchrange          - float
puppet              - string. Name of PUP file.
range               - float
rate                - float
respawn             - float
size                - float
soundclass          - string. Name of SND file.
sprite              - string. Name of SPR file
staticdrag          - float
surfdrag            - float
thingflags          - int in hex form
timer               - float
trailthing          - string. Name of template
trailcylradius      - float
trailrandangle      - float
typeflags           - hex int
vel                 - vector: 3 floats in form (1.0/1.0/1.0)
weapon              - string. Name of template
weapon2             - string. Name of template
yawrange            - float

Section: Things

This section lists the things of the level.

World things N
# N is number of items in the list + 200 (usualy) to allow for things created at run time. Maximum things allowed is 640.

#num  template:  name:      X:          Y:          Z:          Pitch:      Yaw:        Roll:       Sector:    Arch Intensities:
0:    c3x10e     c3x10e     11.100000   7.425000    -4.712306   0.000000    90.000000   0.000000    0                    thingflags=0x400448 numframes=2 frame=(11.100000/7.425000/-4.712306:0.000000/90.000000/0.000000) frame=(11.605581/7.425000/-4.710963:0.000000/0.000000/-27.000000)
1:    c3x10e     c3x10e     10.100000   7.425000    -4.712306   0.000000    90.000000   0.000000    0                     numframes=2 frame=(10.100000/7.425000/-4.712306:0.000000/90.000000/0.000000) frame=(9.594408/7.425000/-4.710963:0.000000/0.000000/26.999992)
9:    console5   console5   5.563745    36.574875   2.979841    0           180         0           7          0
end			# end of section

The name of object and name of template seem to be always the same. Template is the name of template that is the base for this object. X, Y, Z and PCH, YAW, ROL are position and orientation of the object. Then follows the variable number of values. These are the same field values, in the same format as in "templates" section. An addition seems to be two fields:

numframes   - int
frame       - value in format (float/float/float) or (float/float/float:float/float/float). Which is (X,Y,Z:Pitch,Yaw,Roll).

These two appear to control elevator, door, etc. behavior. It looks like that they are functionally similar to "stops" in Dark Forces INF files.

MOTS: Arch Intensities: is the number of the ArchObject in the ARCHLIGHTING SECTION. A " -1 " indicates the Archlighting is not used.


Num ArchObjects 25

Number of records in this section.

archobject 0            
nummeshes: 1            
# then go meshes
mesh 0                  
numvertices: 10         
#num:   mono:           red:            green:          blue:   ? - not checked.
  0:    0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
  1:    0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
  2:    0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000
  3:    0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000

And so on for all meshes and records.

archobject 0 = the number of the record refered to from WORLD THINGS.

nummeshes: 1 = the number of meshes (corresponds to number of meshes of 3DO it lights?)

mesh 0 = the 3do mesh number

numvertices: 10 = number of vertices in it.