Resource Management

Resource Management General

A couple of words on resource management of JK. General JK data and resources used in all levels are kept in Resource\ directory. Level specific data and levels themselves are stored in Episode\ directory. JK can accept files in either subdirectories of Episode\ and Resorce\ directories or inside GOB files in these directories. The files in subdirectories override those in GOBs (i.e. if you put a file in subdirectory and the file with the same name exists in GOB, the file from the subdirectory is used).

There are many different types of files in JK. Each type of files is kept in different directory. COG files - cog\ subdirectory in Resource\ or Episode\, WAV files in "Sounds\", etc. GOB files also can contain directories inside them. So the files inside GOBs are also stored in subdirectories with same names as files outside GOBs. I.e. the sounds is Res2.gob are store in subdirectory Sounds\ inside Res2.Gob. The file Res2.Gob is located in Resource\ directory.

While for making patches subdirectories in Resource\ is OK, when it'll come to distributing levels, they will have to be distributed as GOBs.

Typical add-on GOB should then contain:

levelname.txt   - Description of the level.
levelname.gob   - level itself.

The GOB must contain these files:


And you'll apparently have some COGs which will have to go to cog\ subdirectory in your GOB. Well, you'll probably won't have to worry about it, because I'm adding automatic handling of all this to Jed, but knowing it wouldn't hurt.

To run the level you would copy it to the Episode\ directory, run JK, pick "New Game" and select the espisode desired.