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Islands of Death

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Islands of Death


A small multiplayer level on a series of small islands in the middle of the ocean.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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292.0 KiB


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Posted: 2001-01-18 9:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
Good concept, I like the fishes. Level is nice and curvey. If you ever modify it or make a new level make some bridges.
Posted: 2001-01-18 9:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
Good: Fishes are awesome! Island concept is fun and amusing...

Bad: ... but because of poor item placement (or lack thereof) it pretty much turns into a saber/FF level. Which is great if you like that sort of thing, but not everyone does.

I think some more time should have been spent on detail as well. I mean, you've got these awesome fishes floating in this bland 2 texture level. Perhaps change the land textures a bit and blend them into the rock texture to add to realism.

One other thing... maybe add a shark to the end of the map that kills the player if he goes out too far? That'd keep everyone from getting to the edge and noticing they're trapped in a box, heh =) Skybox would be extra 1337.
Jedi Master Jay
Posted: 2001-01-18 2:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
gave it a 5.

The Good: Concept, Idea, Original, Creative, music, and the fish, and Good size to player ration

The Bad: Found the architexture to be kind of boring, HORRIBLE ITEM PLACEMENT needs some serious work there, and the lighting was rather poor,

Its my personal opinion that most zoners like colorful level, this is a rather dense level, make your level stream with colors, given the choice between this and the island level on MLP1 i would pick the MLP1's island.

Hope you make a second version though!
Posted: 2001-01-18 2:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
Cool level, very good idea, maybe not such a good implimentation of said idea. How do you do those cool fishies?
Posted: 2001-01-18 3:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nifty.......I like the island concept.

Sorta reminds me of Drazen. (The greatest level ever...bow down before it.) I like this level! Gave it a ten for originality!
Posted: 2001-01-18 4:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think you should get ten just for the fishes.
Posted: 2001-01-18 5:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad, but HE did NOT make those fishes. Gunboy made them and he just d/led them so I don't think he should get a 10 for them.
Posted: 2001-01-19 5:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
9, looks nice!

And froggy, do you know how many " " of Death there are? Alot...
Darth Dude
Posted: 2001-01-19 1:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
You get a 10 for great work, fish, and because we all know what Froggey, I mean Foggy 2 Dope is.
Posted: 2001-01-19 4:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice a tad bit bland, BUT with fish, and fruit, but i think we alwanna know... can you kill them fish?
Posted: 2001-01-19 6:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very nice. VERY NICE. Much better than my attempt at a level, Thegue City Market.
The fish were a nice addition and added realism to it, b ut I doubt that all island s have one type of grass , have no rocks and like only 1 palm tree on each. Well, um,actually I've seen Islands like that :) Sorta reminds me of the Island level in the second massasi level pack, but that had bridges. But THIS one had fishes :) Oh, I don't mind the "trapped in side a box. It annoys me to swim that far anyway, so I dont bother. Oh, and the architecture is good, well, what there IS of it, consider ing I'ts just like 5 Islands (and small ones)
Posted: 2001-01-19 8:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'd just like to mention for those who didn't read all the comments that I didn't make the fish. Gunboy did. And I've decided to make another level for JK after all, and now I've learned from my mistakes. So expect the texuring and Items to be better. :-)

Finaly, I'd like to apolagize to whoever thinks I stole the name from them, but I didn't. I just invented that name and buy coincidence there may be another level with a similar name. I'll be more carefull next time.
Posted: 2001-01-20 9:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
I gave you a ten for this level. Regardless of who made what in this level, YOU are the one responsible and recognized for releasing it. I usually hate small levels, but this is fantastic. The islands look a little bland, but somewhat realistic. The ocean sounds are wonderful. The fishies...That is something that should be included in a lot of water areas in levels from now on. Once again, great job.
Posted: 2001-01-21 10:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, I find it sad that there aren't any more levels that use gunboy's fish and shark.. there just great!

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