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Mandalorian Armored Combat [M.A.C.]

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Mandalorian Armored Combat [M.A.C.]


Mandalorian Armored Combat allows you to play as a Mandalor warrior. You will have many of the Mandalor armor features: wrist bolts, jetpack, rocket launcher, grapple sphere, atmosphere unit, self destruct, laser scope, chaff, personal force field, sonic disruptor, heat seeker and Cheshire mode. Also many weapon upgrades and new weapon models are in M.A.C. You will also have several new characters to choose from. Secondary fire has been added to weapons that normally had none. Primary fire has been left untouched in all but the Bryar pistol, in order to preserve game play. Sequencer, Rail Detonator and Bowcaster have been left untouched (some weapons are just too fun to change) After you have installed M.A.C. make sure to assign hotkeys to the new features. Some of the new equipment can not be assigned a hotkey and is only available by browsing through your items inventory.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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Posted: 2001-05-13 2:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Kool, I'm the 2nd one to download this! It looks awesome, I'm downloading it now
Posted: 2001-05-13 2:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Why was this made as an .exe file? Why not just make a .gob, thats a lot simpler. Anyway, thats just my preference
Posted: 2001-05-13 2:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh, hehe, I get it, didn't relise the .gob was inside the .exe file. My bad, sorry
Posted: 2001-05-13 2:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not being horrible or anything but why are people proud to be one of the first to download a level, or comment on it. I mean, you don't get a prize and nobody thinks you're cool or anything. But still there are loads of top-poster saying stuff like "Yeah, I'm the first to comment on this!" like it's a big frigging achievement. Is this the highlight of you guys' days?
Posted: 2001-05-13 3:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
I checked this mod out a few days ago and I think it's very good. Great job cl0wn.
Posted: 2001-05-13 6:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
An awesome old hacker...Finally makes a mod!!

Looks awesome, good job man
Posted: 2001-05-13 6:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
Isn't that shoulder-mounted cannon in the first pic just the electroscope off of the Stormtrooper blaster rifle? If it isn't it looks a LOT like it. But the cloaking thing looks very interesting....
Posted: 2001-05-13 7:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Another cheap boba fett wannabe patch or not? This looks like it may actually be good and it is, most mandalorian patches are just a grappling hook and a hotkey to fire some raildets from your rist. Many also have a jetpack they ripped-off from someone else. The thing is this patch looks AWESOME for a mandalorian patch. Good job, but i would advise u get off a topic covered as much as this one.
CoLd FuSi0N
Posted: 2001-05-14 2:32 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hmmm. Anyone ever heard of Manowars? A pretty old mod over at JKMAG. Anyway, it's probably one of the funnest and most overlooked mods ever made. But I not dissin this one, because I not downloaded it yet. I'm just saying it's gonna have to be pretty good to beat it. ANyone else who's played both able to compare?
CoLd FuSi0N
Posted: 2001-05-14 3:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, i played it and I have to say, while not that bad, it's nothing compared to ManoWars 2. Sorry, but keep up the good work. Maybe, just maybe, one u can better it.
Posted: 2001-05-14 5:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
If im remembering corectly, wasn't Manowars 2 for MotS? Well this one is for Jedi Knight.
Posted: 2001-05-14 9:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think it is ok but it needs a little work, but other than that, it is impressive!
Posted: 2001-05-14 11:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
I thought this was great - Well Done. At last we're getting some quality, and not just 1/2 efforts. Again well done!
Posted: 2001-05-14 12:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
The only problem i found was that the jet pack was ahrd to control......Maybe it was just me......actually never mind, boba fett probably has that problem aswell.
Posted: 2001-05-14 12:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
The only problem i found was that the jet pack was ahrd to control......Maybe it was just me......actually never mind, boba fett probably has that problem aswell.
Posted: 2001-05-14 12:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
nice job i think this is way better than manowar they had like a two guns and one only just fired faster than regular. you but in tuns o shizzzle i luv the chesire mode
CoLd FuSi0N
Posted: 2001-05-14 2:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Actually, Manowars 2 was for JK and Manowars 3 was for MoTS. I dunno, I just feel Manowars was more "mandolorian like." lol Guess it's just a matter of preference. But seeing as Manowars isn't on Masassi, this'll probably become popular and everyone will forget about MOW.
Posted: 2001-05-14 2:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think this was pretty good, but could be even better with a few changes. Like adding new sounds for some of the guns instead of sounds already in JK. Fixing the warhead, it didn't seem to launch out its grenades, and last of all have the SP person be a mandalor instead of that evil clown. (That is my preference, I went to bed with nightmares!)
Posted: 2001-05-14 4:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
I give this a nine. I took 1 off because I dont like the clown in SP it should be a mandalorian warrior or something not a clown. Anyways you did a great job doing it.
Posted: 2001-05-14 5:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
A pretty good Mod. I am giving it a Seven because you did good work, but the weapons are a little..."ordinary" for Jedi Knight. I am getting a little tired of these Lasers and Lightsabers and stuff. The 3D0's were not bad, but I tihnk the projectiles could have used some work. I think you should use your time editing in something more 'valuble', such as a mod like SS3..only not...using modern day weapons would be something a bit more interesting.
Posted: 2001-05-14 6:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod is no good. Almost all of the weapon 3dos are from other mods. I think the #3 is from DWP, #1,4, and 5 are from PWP, #9 is either from war3 or ss3 or something like that, and I think #8 is from the mod Insanity. And the thing I hate the most about this mod: the #6 3do was taken from my KWP mod! You should have at least asked me or given me some credit for it. You didn't even name any of the 3do makers in the credits.
The only thing good about this mod are the skins. You showed that you know how to make 3dos since you made so many skins, so why not make your own 3dos other than copy other people's work?
Posted: 2001-05-14 7:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
I personally loved this mod. The new screen BM had great art in it (too bad there was only one new screen) And the skins were awsome. I think the best part about this mod has got to be the balance of it. You've got all sorts of cool new gagets, but you can't use them all at once, or for very long, or you'll drain your battery in about twenty seconds. There's also no hotkeys for the new items, so the only way to use them well is to memorize which items are replaced with which new items. I also liked the new jet pack, and how the grappling hook can bounce off things like AT-ST's. The only downsides were that you had to play as a clown in SP (I'm not bashing the clown skin, it was cool, but a mandalor would have made more sense) and also, none of the new MP skins except for triscit would work, because everytime you picked one of the mandalor players, you would just get stuck playing as the clown for some reason... Anyhoo, good mod, I'll stop talking now.
Posted: 2001-05-15 6:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
Heh heh heh. massassi is full of the most bitter adolescents. Like the cogs and programs on my site, this mod was made for me. I never consider down loaders when creating anything (unless I feel like granting a special request). I made this particular mod because there were a few things I wanted to have when I played some of the single player add on levels. That is why there is a clown for single player. Yep, I could have changed it, but I made it for me. As for the weapons 3dos ... I never claimed to be the creator of any but the ones I made. I don't even know where they came from. I simply asked a few people to find me some cool guns. So many JK players owe me favors that I got more 3dos than I could use. I picked the ones I liked and put them in. If I knew who made it, I would have given credit where credit is due. The only thing I did to dress this up for public consumption was to add credits and a new title screen. Oh ... I also removed a function that would have ruined a balanced multiplayer game (A smart player could still access it). If you liked the mod ... groovey. If you didn't like it....just as good. Anyway, that's the story behind it's creation. Have yourselves a swell day. Heh heh heh.
Posted: 2001-05-15 10:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
I cant see how people can say this mod is bad. It is one of the best. The more you play it the more you like it. The only problems i found was that the enemies hold the original weapons and not the new modified ones. Also you are not able to pick items up lile keys etc. Still these are only minor problems. Other than that its simply GREAT!
Posted: 2001-05-15 10:58 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey Clown, why did you submit this if you dont care what people think of it? Just being "charitable"? That doesent sound like your type, no...
But anyways, good mod
Posted: 2001-05-15 11:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, acctually. I WAS being charitable. Most people can't make thier own cogs or anything. I make more than I can use so I give it away ( I just think it's kinda funny that the down loaders some how feel they have a right to direct my efforts. Take for example the guy who told me how I could better spend my time ... by making what HE wants. Or they guy who said HE was tierd of lasers. I still like lasers Heh heh heh ... so I made lasers. Down loaders have no rights they merely benefit from those who can create.
Posted: 2001-05-15 2:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ping_Me's review of M.A.C.

Well it looks like a lot of you have already beaten me to the punch on a lot of the issues about this mod, but I'll go over them nonetheless.

Lessee, where to start... the startup BM was great. Excellent art, maybe a little too good. Not that I suspect Clown of any wrong doing. I would have liked to see more, but he uses the same art for almost every screen.

On to the weapons. It is true that Clown ripped at least three models from other mods. I understand very well that as mods continue to increase in number, it is getting harder to invent new, origional weapons. This does not excuse, however, plagiarism. This may be Jedi Knight but, copying other people's work without giving full and due credit carries heavy penalties in the real world. I hope, for your sake, that you don't make a habit of this in your everyday life. It is also reprehensible that you don't take this issue seriously.

Anyway, besides this minor issue, the weapons had some good points and bad points.
The wrist darts were not so good. It's a little unrealistic to be able to shoot them and then run and catch up to them. As well, anything moving that slow should be affected by gravity, these do not. They simply lumber along in mid air.

The weapon replacing the bryar was both good and annoying. The burst fire was a nice touch however, the zoom was extremely cumbersome. Zooming out inch by inch can really bog a player down considerably. If you're attacked while in zoom mode you are paralysied unless you switch to another weapon.

The weapons replacing the strifle was nice except that it's laser function used way too much ammo for the amount of damage it does. Nine energy cells to kill a Gran is a wee bit too expensive for me.

The grenage launcher, model aside, was a good weapon, in it's cogging. The ticking, denoting time and distance, was an excellent way to keep track of the distance the grenade will travel.

The bowcaster was unchanged save for it's model and it's projectile's model.

The smoke coming out of the end of the repeater was a nice touch. Nice in POV, wierd in 3rd person. The flamethrower capability was about the same as every flamethrower to date, floating red particles move toward the target. I can never get the sense that I'm hitting anything with these. Otherwise this weapon was the same as the JK repeater.

Raildet, same as JK raildet.

Sequencer, same as JK sequencer.

Conky, same as JK conky, except for a "plasma ball" projectile I couldn't hit anything with.

Saber, new handle, nuff said.

Chesire mode: I suppose it helps you blend in a little. Doesn't blend your gun though.

Rocket: I cannot possibly see a use for a rocket that goes straight up. With a low enough ceiling you might hurt yourself. Best to just drop the bombs in a pack or something.

Laser Scope: I've never seen a practical use for these things. All they do is give you away. The laser is very jerky.

Self Destruct: Adds an excellent new dimension to gameplay. Kill yourself to kill others simply by being next to them. I've often thought of applying it myself.

Sonic Disruptor: Fun if you're playing around. A waste of time if you're serious about fragging someone.

Chaff: This could be extremely useful if you're being followed down a narrow corridor, because of it's repelling capabilities. It's blinding attribute is not so impressive. It would be better if it's blinding explosions were more rapid, that would build up the cumulative light in the area.

Force Field: A fascinating little piece of cogging. I'm guessing it works like Deadlysight, in that any projectile you look at stops. It won't stop everything if there's a lot of blaster fire around however, and the stopped projectiles still hurt if you walk into them. Nice idea though.

Jetpack: Awkward at best. It isn't easy to move yourself foreward. The best I could manage was to shut off and turn on the pack at intervals while pressing foreward in order to maintain an average altitude. A jetpack is tough to do seeing as how everything's aleady been done.

Grapple hook: *Yawn* The usual. But then how can you do something origional when this is the only way?

Atmosphere unit: I think it's always cool to breathe underwater.

Heat Seeker: I saved the best for last. Two words: Fun Fun. While Heat Seeker is a bit of a misnomer (maybe it should be target seeker?) this is the first weapon in JK that will seek a target (I think, correct me if I'm wrong). It moves slow and is somewhat easy to put a wall, door or crate between you and the seeker. Nonetheless an excellent addition.

Skins: I thought the skins in this were well above average. Good effort went into these. Nice job.

While the guns were pretty much average, this mod shines in its author's ingenutiy in item creation. I cannot condone Clown's uncredited use of other people's work, and this mod suffers in my rating for it.
Ping_Me's rating: 5.
Posted: 2001-05-16 12:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Woah I had no idea this Mod would rock as much as it does, when I beta'd it i thought it would be very cool but seen as CL0wN almost always only uses his site (and 90% of JK players have 'HackerPhobia') I guessed it wouldn't take off as well as it should, But goin' to Massassi was a great idea! Nice Work CL0wN!
(Try n' spot my name on the Credits =P)
Great mod with some phunky cogs and skinz, fun if ya like to blow up yer opponent while flyin' a rickety ol' jetpack while dodgin' laser fire and keepin' an eye out for peeps usin' Camo - Excellent.
A Big Fat CoW
Posted: 2001-05-16 6:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey, i DLed this, but i cant seem to get it to work. it goes in patch commander, right? well every time i try to add it, it doesnt show up..?
Posted: 2001-05-20 12:04 a.m.   Report Abuse

Posted: 2001-05-20 7:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a mandalorian mod but it's definately not a manowars ripoff. It's quite different.
Posted: 2001-05-20 11:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Cool mod. Those skins you got are AWESOME! +, you are one of the very few people that can make a mod or level and take a good screenshot of it at the same time. And by the way, for whoever said it, manowar 2 was for MotS than they made it for JK. Manowar 3 is for MotS only.
Shadow Thief
Posted: 2001-05-20 12:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hmmmmm..... Á háckér and a mod ? I must be dreaming...anyway. Great mod but.. I think ManoWars 2 is much better. Keep up the good work though and One day...YOU might just best the ultimate Jedi Knight Mandalor Mod: ManoWars2. (©_©)
Dan 317
Posted: 2001-05-20 1:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Funny clown mod. I thought it was too wierd.
Dan 317
Posted: 2001-05-20 1:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Funny clown mod. I think it's too wierd.
Posted: 2001-05-22 9:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have not downloaded this MoD, and I don't plan on downloading it. I am obsessed with Boba Fett, particularly his costume. ManoWars 2 pretty much hit the spot, and considering the length of time between it's release and your release, I seriously doubt you will be able to top it. Although Manowars 2 appears to lack the many different items that this one includes, it is disappointing to hear that using all of them requires more battery power than can be provided. And what's with being able to catch up to a rocket that's moving through midair? I know that they look slower when compared to actual bullets and lasers, but catching up to them? (This would be a good idea for a Matrix MoD, but this is not one). as before, to make a big impact, you are going to have to do something that nobody else has ever attempted. You need to completely change everything, and include even more Gadgets. The option of being able to use EVERYTHING on a Mandalorian suit of armor would be very interesting.
Posted: 2001-05-23 7:03 a.m.   Report Abuse
You CAN use all the "gadgets" at the same time. It just costs you more battery power. If you want to replenish battery power pick up a bacta or a health pack. I have yet to run out of battery power in a game. You have to be strategic(Which is one of the aspects of competition isn't it? would you really want to play others when everyone had unlimited everything?) As for the slowness of the wrist darts. I made it that way deliberatly because the player always has them and never runs out of them and I didn't think they should be too powerful. As for trying to top manowars ... that isn't my intention. I simply built somthing about a Star Wars topic I like. All of you who think anything with a mandalor is a ripoff of manowars forgets that manowars got the idea from Star Wars not the other way around.
Posted: 2001-05-24 10:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Look I like it man... Its a great Mod, and its not a Manowars ripoff. Why would someone who can edit almost every aspect of JK and is one of the best hackers in JK history attempt to 'rip off' another mod, think about it... I rarely run out of batteries while playing... Um unless I overuse the camo =). its a good mod with over 700 DLs so far, i'd say thats pretty good. CL0wN Man u should be pleased with it (Yes I know u r) and people really should compliment good work, not find all the faults. (Very Negative Attitude). Anywayz Letz see if it breaks the 1000 DL mark in the next week or so... Hmmm anyone wanna make a bet? ;-P
The Can-day Man
Posted: 2001-07-03 7:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
Manowars may be more "mandalorian-like", but this is better done.
Posted: 2001-08-12 1:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
Looks impressive, Ill give it a try. There was always a special place in my gaming soul for mandalorian mods.

00ber d00d
Posted: 2001-12-09 9:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
Guys,would you mind telling me where you can get Manowars 2? Thanks if you do tell me,and to
heck with you if you don't. Thanks again!
Posted: 2002-05-19 7:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey clown this is the greatest mod ever i give it a 10 but could u make it so that he can walk on walls like with jango fett and put a regular mandalor in it so the warhead will look like it came outta his jet pack where theyre stored and and a flame projector and dual lasers on a default key.
Posted: 2002-05-21 10:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
An extreamly good patch... this one is, better have i seen...yes]but not that much better, Agree with you the council does... a 9 this patch deserves, a jedi you may become.
Posted: 2002-12-31 10:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
this is a good mod. The problems I found are that the jet pack is hard to control. The warheads are hard to shoot. And clown's hair dissaperes when you go into chersire mode. Also alot of this stuff doesn't even exist. Mandalorians main stuff is helmet sensors, wrist flamethrower poison dart ect. There is no personal cloaking device or a self destruct or a chaff ( what ever that does). This is good for multiplayer but stinks for single player as you play as clown and already have all the equipment so as you can't get past the second level with out cheats. Alot of the weapons you gave him don't exist in star wars anyways but I like the mod anyways.
Posted: 2003-02-21 10:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice mod I love the invisability but could use a little more I love the weapons and the Cl0wN skin

(i also love your sith sabers Mod)

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