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Star Destroyer Avenger

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Star Destroyer Avenger


This is a reproduction the Star Destroyer Avenger that is shown at the start of Star Wars. It has an assortment of many rooms including a shuttle bay, a tie bay an AT-AT bay and of course the captured Tantive IV (Corellian Corvette). It is quite a large level and is best for 4 players, as with 2 it can take a long time to find each other through the various rooms and corridors.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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217.3 KiB


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Posted: 2001-06-10 6:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
wasnt the first star destroyer the Devastator? the Avenger was the one in ESB that Captain Needa is on, and that the Falcon attaches too. O well, just thought i'd put that out there.


"Yippy-Kie Yay, Mother F***er!!" - Die Hard
"it cant rain all the time" -dont know
"Bring on The Rain" - me
Posted: 2001-06-10 6:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
No, the first one WAS the Avenger. The one that shot down the blockade runner? Yes, I do believe that was the Avenger. Nice level BTW.
Posted: 2001-06-10 7:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nope it WAS the Devastator. In Force Commander, they even say it. Plus, in a SW reference book, they say the name of the ship that captured Leia was the Devastator.
Brad S.
Posted: 2001-06-10 8:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
Um hate to say it but this level needs serious work.
Hallways are to small, lighting is wack, wind in space?!?!? doors as catwalks... oh boy i could go on and on but i wont...
Posted: 2001-06-10 8:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
No, i am SURE it is the SWCCG, i have the card of it. and i also have the avenger. in their lore it proves im right. :P lol..ok then.

It cant rain all the time...

Pain is weakness leaving the body
Posted: 2001-06-13 10:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well I'm not too sure either which SD it was that chased the Tantive IV but I just flipped a coin and chose that but I'm sure the name doesn't affect the level. And as for the comment about mistakes I have made I didn't think it was too bad for my first level.
Posted: 2001-06-14 9:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
My god hasn't anyone here read the book? It's the Devastator at the beginning of Star Wars. The Devastator was Vader's flagship until the Executor was completed, and even then it was still a part of his personal Star Destroyer Squadron (Made up of the Executor, the Devastator, the Avenger, and two other un-named Star Destroyers).
Posted: 2001-06-14 10:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-06-14 7:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
It was the Devistator its in Force Commander (as earlier stated) I have the card for in SWCCG (which has also been stated) its in books the advenger is in the ESB
Posted: 2001-06-15 9:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hm....I apologize. I most obviously stand corrected.
Posted: 2001-07-01 9:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Gentlemen, gentleman.... allow me to clear up the mishap fully. I own a Star Wars Encyclopedia, and you can't rival Stephen Sansweet on SW info. Here it goes...

The Devastator was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer that caught the Tantive IV (Blockade Runner that Leia was on) near Tatooine.
The Avenger was the Imperial-class Star Destroyer that was on a task mission to track down the Millennium Falcon. Under command, was Captain Needa, who failed Lord Vader and lost his life for it.

There ya go guys. Straight from the best source.

Nevertheless, this was a pretty good lvl. I think it would be better if you had more rooms though... I mean, it is a Star Destroyer. Nice touch with the AT-AT's though/
Posted: 2001-07-17 7:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
just wanted to let you know the sayin "it can't rain all the time" came from the crow~!

Posted: 2001-08-18 6:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
Who cares what it is called? I thought we were rating the level, not the name.
Posted: 2001-09-03 4:58 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, being the first person to actually say something about the LEVEL, not the ships, I thought this was great fun, especially with FF, blowing people off into space and stuff. Room for improvements tho, like a few more adventurous textures.
Posted: 2001-09-15 6:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level needs a lot of improvement. Its nothing like a star destroyer in most areas. The bridge is too small and the pits should be deeper. The hangar for the corvette you can see that the stars are walls and its just a deep box. Most of the corridors are not big enough to walk into so you have to duck to get into them. Why was there a crane in one of the rooms? The hangar with the shuttles is a pain to move around in since the shuttles are so close theres only a few ways to get through. Why was there a room with water in it? To improve it you could have added more rooms made the current rooms better with actual things a star destroyer would carry maybe some AT-ST's or more fighters. There could have been a brig with the traditional forcefields to hold people in. There could have been some crew quarters. Maybe since it was the Vaders ship you could have had his meditation chamber. So it could use more improvement i didn't like it.
Posted: 2001-11-07 3:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
I give it a three for these reasons:
1. glitches ex/ i tried to climp the ramp to the AT-AT and fell through a platform.
2. messed up colors while moving
3. not enough moving space
4. the rain and wind in space
5. lighting in passages makes u feel under attack
6. the name was wrong u dumbo. The first SD the captured the TantiveIV was Devastator.
7. why was a Jawa SandCrawler there?
my suggestion is to play other editors GOOD MP levels and get a real idea for a multiplayer level. just wondering did you make this in an hour cause its one of the worst levels ever. plus the character you play as is almost 1/8 the size of TantiveIV
Force master2
Posted: 2002-03-08 3:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
good, but a few niggles:

1]there is no wind in space, so elimanate the wind noise

2]why, when you walk into a room near the start, do you start swimming?


force master2

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