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Park District

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Park District


This is my second level so please don't be too critical. This is a medium-large sized multi-player deathmatch level, with lots of space to fight, a basket-ball court, weapons, a running track, and an elevator. I think it has a lot of potential for just plain fun! It is based on a real place, on this planet, that I have been to, but of course I made some modifcations. Be sure to have at least three stars on jump.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
156.9 KiB
Jedi Red 2


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Posted by
Super S51
Posted: 2001-08-08 6:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty cool; those urine splashed walls are a nice touch. Keep up the good work.
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 8:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks for your comment super s51, but I did not intend for the walls of the restroom to look disgusting just dirty, like anyold used to be highschool, now park district would! Hope you all enjoy my level!
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 9:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
To Aog_588,
You flatter me, thanks for your encourgment!
It really is nice to know that I am not the only one that thinks my level is kinda neat!!!!

To all,
Enjoy, like I have said it is based on a real place so I guess it should be kinda realistic. I thought it would make some fast & furious gameplay, anyway.

Posted: 2001-08-08 9:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
Textures need work, and some of that level was taken from other levels in my opinion
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 11:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have not had a chance to download all or even a fourth of the levels Massassi has to offer, so what levels does mine one remind you of? And what part of my level do you think has been copied?

Besides this level is based on a real place I have not intentialy copied any ideas, and since this is based on a REAL place, I could not have copied much, thanks for your comments though. :-)
Posted: 2001-08-08 11:07 a.m.   Report Abuse

It isn't that bad of a lvl its just u couldve added some realism if its based on a place on this earth. First of all Basketball Hoops DOn't hang in midair they usually have some kind of support. Second I don't think I've heard of an elevater that is open. I mean that it is not in an enclosed area like a tube of some sort u know whad I mean? I think thats it other than those few things I'd say its a decent lvl. BTW I give it a 7

Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 11:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Tanks for the comment C_T but like I said I did make some modifications to the real place, so The BasketBall hoops could have anti-gravity generators in a star wars universe, and as for the elevator, well this is multi-player deathmatch ment for quick & furious action, so I wanted that open.
I appreceate all the feedback already, this is my personal favorite level I have made, and it would be in the top 5 on my list of all time JK Deathmatch Lvls! :-)
Jet Neo
Posted: 2001-08-08 11:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
Good work man! The screenshots are awesome and so is the level! Keep up the good work man!
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 11:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
Gee all these complimants, thanks guys!
Try out my other level Mithaderam, and hopefully I will be coming out with more Deathmatch levels! :-)
Posted: 2001-08-08 2:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hes right you do need force jump as the lift doesn't go up unless your at the top. I just seemed like a basketball court to me, but tis ok.
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 3:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
I know this level seems like just a basketball court, but it is a bit more than that, and it is has a big Basket Ball court, a track, some mats for a Martial Arts class, coke machines, a restroom and much more. It isn't a huge level I would say it is a level for about 6 players, but be sureto check inside the hoops, if you want to survive. Thanks for downloading, ratings, and comments! :-)

-Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-08 10:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
I thought comments were for other people. You seem to make more of them than other people. Adding touches is all alright, but your more than likely not to get any if you keep babbling on how much you think it's cool. Took a look at the lvl. Kinda Boxy. Textures needed a little work. Other than that. Not a bad lvl for a second.
Posted: 2001-08-08 10:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Cool level man...i liked this one alot. FINALY there has been a level worth playing to have come out! also i think its cool that you check up on your comments and respond to them. shows your notta snoob like some ppl i know...
Posted: 2001-08-09 7:03 a.m.   Report Abuse
Kinda Boxy, and texturing needs some work, and the level i think synthetic is refering too is JHS perhaps? i dont know, just a guess, since it is the only other level that i know of that has a Basketgall court, well...........there are a couple others. anyway, it is good for your second try, although i must say it dosent look "professional", it is good for a second try. also, your mixture of "copied reality" and "modifications" seems to be a little blurry, u had good intentions

"and as for the elevator, well this is multi-player deathmatch ment for quick & furious action, so I wanted that open"

but i think that u should either stick with the reality deal, or make it very star wars universe-ish, not just a little to spice up the reality based levels. anyway, good job for a second, i will look forward to your upcoming levels.
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-09 7:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, guys any ideas on a level idea you would like to see in JK Deathmatch? Leave a comment and let me know. Thanks!
-Jedi Red 2
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-09 8:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey more comments to keep up with! And lots of downloads! Glad to see it! SM_Thorn, I think its nice when an author keeps up with his work and for the first day, well maybe to many comments on my part. LOTD_Matt, thanks for your encourgment! Glad to see I am not the only one who likes auther comments! Hope you enjoy my level! Element_Daukh, I was wondering about JHS so I downloaded it, and played it, but still think my level is unique. Thanks for your comments, I made the level for fun, not realisem, star wars unverseish or anything else like that. period.

Thanks, for your comments,
-Jedi Red 2
Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2001-08-15 8:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
Alright, point taken, I'll stop hanging around the comments, and work on the next, um, well, ah big JK thing, or whatever, I'll try to include all above advice thanks! :-)
Check out my newest level!
"Shadows of the Sith"

-Jedi Red 2
Posted: 2003-08-20 5:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
This looks like a cool lvl, I can't wait to try it.

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