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Imperial Computer Complex

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Imperial Computer Complex


This is a medium level meant for 3-6 players deep within the Imperial Palace. It was made for sabers with NF. It is (I openly admit it) a TON better than my other level Abandoned Computer Complex. It has a spaceport, a meeting room, a mess room a kitchen, a bedroom, a medical room, and many work stations.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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234.4 KiB


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Posted: 2001-10-18 8:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
whoa dude, what resolution were you using with those pics! Havnt tried it yet, im about to though!
Posted: 2001-10-19 3:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Resolution: !, Its not exactly like your getting a low framerate. 75fps is more than enuf to notch your res up a bit (a lot?)

About the level, its pretty good but would be a better guns level :)
Posted: 2001-10-19 4:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
I kow you use JKEdit, which no matter how easy it is, and no matter hard JED is, using JKEdit is probably is a mistake. You wouls score big time with good levels if you used JED. Now if i am mistaking, just tell me and i'll delete this message :)
Posted: 2001-10-19 9:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice use of cleaving? I want some of whatever you're taking. It's better than Abandoned Computer Complex, it's not as boxy as some levels I've seen (not to say it's not boxy), and is nice for a second try. But please, as has already been said, use a higher res for the screenshots.
Posted: 2001-10-22 9:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
I declare you All Time Greatest Master Of Taking Useless Screenshots.... I mean.. whoa..
Posted: 2001-10-22 4:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
What else am I supposed to have?
Posted: 2001-10-24 3:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
Theres a problem: if its a military IMPERIAL installation, it wouldnt have beds. Itd have barracks and bunks. Other than that, nothing sounds wrong. Ill test this out, im into games that are ACTUALLY BASED OFF of something that might actually be in the Star Wars universe... Since when was Namek a system in Star Wars?
Posted: 2001-11-04 12:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
ok, first of all I did use a starry mat for the sky (It takes place on the LOWER levels of a building) I have the mat on the very top (maybe too dark to see it?) I have a building mat around the outside of the thing. and I am working alot more with JED, I am working on trial levels now to get better.

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