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A Jedi's Discovery 3: Your Own End

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » A Jedi's Discovery 3: Your Own End


This is the very last chapter in the Jedi's Discovery series, and it contains five levels. The Jedi consider their next move concerning the cloning facility that orbiting Tatooine. When they learn of the existence of a planetary gun on Tatooine, used to destroy incoming asteroids, the Jedi decide to use it to help them destroy the facility. They send down Obi-Wan (you) to Tatooine to perform this mission. Little does Obi-Wan know of the horrors that lie ahead...

Note: The game comes with a patch. It's very important you use it. I would recomend you use the regular save rather than quick save; when doing so, make sure your lightsaber is not out. For some reason, I'm not sure, the levels didn't want to connect into one episode. So when you complete a level, go back to New Game menu, then choose the next level in the list of games.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
13.3 MiB


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2003-01-18 6:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
..Why don't you *play* it before commenting and (apparently) rating? The shots look nice--no way judging it, though.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-01-18 11:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hmm, I didn't like the level very much, for multiple reasons, which i'll point out in this post. For here is my constructive critisism.

I expected the worst when I read in the readme that you used JKedit in stead of JED. And unfortunately, my suspections were true. 99% of the level has horrible architecture. There are a few areas which looked better, but only a small few.

This aspect saved the level a little bit, there were some really nice new textures, and mostly the textures fitted well. Only it was very repetive and I encountered a few dflt.mats and cut-off textures were not uncommon.

In one word H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E... Basicly you walked through a couple of giant mazes which were to represent bases... Yeah right... When I go to the bathroom I also have to search for 4 hours...

Uh? There was some, but mostely it was BRIGHT and with no LIGHTSOURCES nor varying intensities.

Item placement:
hah, none, so that's the worst you can do...

Enemy placement:
Everywhere... yay.

Some of the new enemies were cool, and so is the sabermod ofcourse. Some of the cutscenes were done really nicely. The voiceacting was ok, Nothing bad, but nothing speciall either.

Eh, you have to push a couple of 20 switches to deactivate forcefields, that's about it...

I got bored with the level really fast, basically all you do is constantly kill enemies with your saber, while pressing switches and running through a maze. I got bored with it after 2 minutes. I tried playing the level without the sabermod, and I got bored with it after 2 seconds... Basicly the sabermod is all that makes the game somewhat enjoyable (and the cutscenes). The story ain't half bad though.
The crashbugs were really annoying, but hey, you can't do anything about that, it just sucks...

I am sorry but this level just lacks any fun bringing aspect, and just isn't my idea of having a good time.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-01-18 12:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
(I rated it a 3 btw)

I just looked at the comments of your previous 2 levels (ajd, ajd2) and now I wonder why the hell didn't you learn anything about the critisism given there? You made completely the same mistakes... I find that awkward.
Posted: 2003-01-18 1:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
does this level have new guns or something on the ground that fires at something?
clan ruthervain
Posted: 2003-01-18 1:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well I was pleased that there was another level for JK again. There were some nice areas, I liked mod for it, but the architecture was preety bad. I liked the enemies I guess, and some of the music I loved...
So yeah not too bad, I give it a 6.
Worth Dloading, but due to the massive file size, not necessarily worth keeping.

Posted: 2003-01-18 1:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
I found the levels fun and the new enemies were pretty cool. I have played the 1st lvl only so far and crashed more than 5 times already (but like an above poster said, you can't really do anything about that). The voice acting was horrible but the little Matrix move Obi-Wan did with the HALO music playing was pretty cool ( but you did'nt really get the feel because the JK music was playing at the same time). And about the battle droids, you should of went looking for some of the real sounds from the movie in place of the bad voice acting. The puzzles were kind of fun, but you could of made them a bit more challenging, but hey, this is the first JK SP mod I've seen in a long time, I guess I'm waiting for someone to make an Episode 2 SBX SP mod with Jango Fett or Anakin. Overall, I will continue to play the missions to the end and I'm glad to see someone actually releasing JK SP mods again with a plot. Overall, I gave this a 7 and a very solid one.
Posted: 2003-01-18 3:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like that there are some good comments. Although there is absolutly no need of writing a page long about absolutly every little imperfection there is. You people REALLY need to see the good side of things. And as far as making the exact mistakes from the last ones? EVERYTHING I did was on purpose. And the person who said something about battle droids? Did you not play the other games? They're cyborgs! And about me making the same mistakes makes you akward?
Posted: 2003-01-18 8:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
I wonder if Bungie minds that you ripped their music.
Posted: 2003-01-18 8:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm sorry, one more comment, my critique was fair and if you can't handle cristisism, then I'd suggest not releasing your lvls.
Posted: 2003-01-19 6:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
I have no problem with the critisism you made, thats fine with me. It was the other guy who made a REALLY long message. Yours was fine.
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-01-19 9:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well excuse me, I'm just trying to help.
Posted: 2003-01-19 4:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
This, like every other "level" [I hesitate to give it that much glory] made by this questionably stable person known only as "Zippy" is quite possibly the worst I've ever wasted space downloading. You've played one of his levels, you've played them all. If it's not some inane and totally unreal and ridiculous plot about [Gasp, I'm not being constructive!] another clone of Darth Maul, it's another dumb and totally unreal plot converning anything in the Star Wars universe. If you're going to make a level with a plot, please make the plot fit in and not destroy the CORRECT storyline presented by the Star Wars Saga and the source outside the movies, the Expanded Universe. Also people might be more interested in your levels if you stop making the same theme predominant in your pathe- oh woops..I mean your levels, which would be the massivae and totally unrealistic armies in single large rooms and pointless mazes. I gave this barbaric level a 0. 'Ave a nice day.
P.S. Stop whining about how people critisize your levels. If you'll notice the recurring theme that people with poor grammar and a lack of Jedi Knight Editing Knowledge a.k.a. newbs, are the only ones giving you good comments, and that people who actually know what they're talking about are trying to help you and give you pointers, but you keep whining about how they should look at the good side of your levels.
Posted: 2003-01-19 4:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Alright you know what? Darth Vedder is right, he was trying to help, and I'm sorry, I was just over reacting because I had done so much work. I am thankful you people are trying to help. But here is my reaction which is my TRUE opinion. The guy above me made some cunstructive critisism. BUT, you attacked more than the level, you attacked ME, You are a stupid asshole. You may instult my level but you don't insult me, "qustionably stable?" you misserable shit!
Posted: 2003-01-19 4:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
ACTUALLY, I attacked your ability to learn simple things like listening to advice from knowledgable people like Vedder, and for making the SAME mistakes in your levels due to the previous thick headedness. I realize you must have worked hard to make these levels. Just do us all a favor and work harder. You got a problem with me, take it to the Discussion forums.
Posted: 2003-01-20 5:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Let me start by saying I finished all 5 levels in about 45 minutes. This story realy could have been done in 3 levels. The designer shows promise, and I hope for better things in the future. I liked the story, levels, new enemies and graphics. I have to say though that there was too much fighting and find the switches. The first level is a hunt the switch type thing which gets boring after the first 4 switches. By the way the intro said there were 4 gate switches to hit....I only hit 2 and finished. I never did find that saber that was thrown at me, that my character said he would find either. Did I miss something? The second level was way to short and was another maze to find the switch. This may be a minor complaint, but dont put doors in a level that dont open. It is so frustrating to hunt for a door that opens to find a switch. And who puts doors on ledges where no one but you can get to them in a city?? I wanna know how the peeps got in there?? lol. Anyways I wont talk about each level except to say it was all mazes, fight, and hunt the switch. I hope the designer drops all the fighting and adds more puzzles in the future. Just try to be more realistic. He or she definately as I said above shows promise. By the way one last comment. At the end of the last level, that evil laugh sounded like the predator at the end of the movie when he self destructs. If it was, watch out for fox....they dont like being ripped.


Posted: 2003-01-20 5:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
Oops, I forgot to ask another question. How do you use the patch? There was no explanation in the readme so I put it in the episode directory with the levels. I never had a crash and the only error I saw was in the end of the last level in the cutscene, there was no texture, just the grid.

Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-01-20 10:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
to use the patch:
you place the patch in a new folder in your jk directory. For example: c:\jk\ajd3\
Then you go to start then run and browse.
and you select your jk.exe.
it should say something like:
then do a space behind that and then -path ajd3 (if you placed the patch in ajd3)
so you get:

c:\jk\jk.exe -path ajd3

Or you could use a program like patch commander which will work easier.

Hope that helps
Posted: 2003-01-20 3:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
A much easier way is to download Patch Commander which can be gotten at this site, and then when you download patches, unzip the patches into a new folder in your JK directory called "patches". Then start patch commander and click add patch and it'll be as easy as it was for me to give this level a "0". Don't hesitate another minute and delete this space wasting level.
Posted: 2003-01-21 6:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
awesome, im downloading this, i hope its as corny as the first one
Posted: 2003-01-21 10:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
I didn't play that level much, so i can't tell much.

Ok, so, architecture was extremly boring.
I didn't see any lighting, everything was lit up.
The textures looked cool, but their placement wasn't very good, but I think the biggest problem was that there was no lighting.
Lighting can improve a level a lot, i once made a level, everybody tolld me to use other mats, but after i made the lighting everybody was happy with it.
(i don't know how good this can be done in jkedit)
after all, i was not that dissapointed, after i read it was made with jkedit...

The red enemies war cool
Posted: 2003-01-21 2:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
Good comments guys, I'll keep those in mind for my next project. I have an idea, and I just wana know if you guys think this is a good idea. Mabey 7 levels or so, your in the jedi training arena from starwars: obi-wan (on x-box) sparing with other jedi. Oh yeah did I mention you'll be playing as YODA? I just need to find a better yoda skin, but here is where the hard part comes in. I'm gona base his saber swings off of yoda from episode 2, That could take a long time. But anyway what do you guys think of that idea?
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2003-01-21 2:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'd love to see a mod/level in which you can jump around like yoda did in Ep2!
Posted: 2003-01-21 2:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is really cool, I like it. And I think the idea for playing as yoda is fantastic!
Posted: 2003-01-21 2:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
The yoda thing, um.... GO FOR IT. And for the level, I agree there is a little to much fighting, but other than that it's great.
Posted: 2003-01-21 9:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey zippy, i've got a new atst model and ai if you want to use it in ajd4 or whatever
Posted: 2003-01-22 2:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
I can't play the levels! i put them in my episode directory but when i looked for them in the game they aren't there, what should I do?
Posted: 2003-01-23 5:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
I actually downloaded all three of the series, and did them all in the correct order, despite some things, some of the new fighters you go against the the cutscenes really kept this thing on the edge of my seat ^_^.

Architecture - 6 in my book, not to many people use JK Edit these days, but I think you did pretty good. I mean, the architecture wasnt great, but it wasnt exactly architecture someone new would make either, so it was a bit stylish enough to keep me playing without whining about it.

Textures - 5 I loved some of the textures on level, especially walking into some of the more realistic rooms ( ep1 type mats), there seemed to be parts that were quite nice, but it seemed like you had half in half, thus my score of 5 in that category. Some parts looking quite bland, while others looked pretty nice at times.

Music - 8 Not really something scored on a lot, but the mood was almost awesome with some of the themes.

Replayability - 7, something I could really get into everynow and then, especially when playing it with the others.

Item and Weapon Placement- 2, Pretty much horrible

All in all the patch was actually pretty nice, I loved slashing away at those one guys, when I actually played part 2 of your levels, and saw those guys in the cloning area ( they were green and black I think), I thought they'd be slow and all have Yun attacks or something. To my suprise they zipped after me faster than soemone in multiplayer, and did some attacks that I could pull off, which was quite nice, the ones in this one were a bit slower, but I liked them.

In total I believe you did well enough for an 8 ^_^. Please make more :P.
Posted: 2003-01-25 10:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
I will make more, There won't be an ajd4 though. But the yoda level I was talking about, I'll go into a little more detail, I personaly think the yoda level I'm making will be alot more fun. Even though It will be sort of like a 3rd person fighter game, (exept with a plot of training jedi) the longest part will be making yoda movements, because I wan't it to be as accurate as possible I wan't people to say "Wow I can fight like Yoda!" and the person who said the had an atst mode or something, thank you very much but I don't think I'll need it. Thanx though :)
Posted: 2003-01-27 9:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
I Still can't get the levels to work.. i put them in my episode directory and when i went play the game they weren't there to play.. can anyone help me? what did i do wrong here?
Posted: 2003-01-29 4:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
I don't really know what that could be, try puting them in the episode directory through patch commander if you didn't do that already.
Posted: 2003-01-30 10:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
thanks zippy unfortunately that's how i put them in... i'll try it another way
Force master2
Posted: 2003-02-19 11:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
It's been a great story so far! just completed pt2, and pt3 sounds even better!

(newbies to this storyline start at 1)
Posted: 2003-03-24 4:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hrmmm. Hrmmmmmmmm. Just when I think it's getting good, POW! Press the buttons! Now press the other buttons! Now press this button that turns on a button that lets you go in the building and push the buttons! Now look at these doors! Some of them are toy doors that don't work! Some of them are real and contain flashing lights!

(Translating that into Constructive Criticism: The puzzles were not fun after a while. Try something else.)

Scores (5 is about the average rating):

~ Visual artistry: 6 out of 10. Lighting in some levels was perfect, lighting in others was nonexistant. The texturing that was good was really, really, good, but the texturing that was bad was baaaaaaaad. The last boss level was one of the main offenders here. Try making texture colors less primary and solid and bright. Sculpturing of architecture was excellent.

~ Plot: 7 out of 10. Great, except for the parts that were about silly things involving clones and stuff. The levels stuck to the plot very well. But the objectives (yes, those count as plot) were generally kinda weird and often can be ignored and you can still win.

~ Fun factor: 4 out of 10. I got bored, frustrated, AND confused by the blandness (Oh, run around! Ooo, there's something shooting at you! Ah! It blew up! Now there's a lot of walking around in a maze thing! Oh, now more things are shooting!) and the weird puzzles that got boring fast. Make puzzles smaller, and don't have the player doing just one thing per level. Also, the boss levels were like the same exact level (Ooo! This bad guy sits in his hideout all day! It's got 3 or 4 floaty gadgets and two floors! The top floor has holes!).

~ Level layout and integrity: 3 out of 10.
RRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH. One single stupid task per level. In one level you try to open doors. In another level you run in a spiral. In yet another completely seperate level you fight a super bad guy. You need to have the player doing more than one thing per level! Add more tasks to each level, and even intertwine them a bit (for example, while you're solving one problem you 'accidentally' get the solution to another seperate one).

My 'enchanted' concept of mathematics calculates this as your overall score: 5. Average. And very close to 4, which is below average.
Posted: 2003-03-24 4:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hrmmm. Hrmmmmmmmm. Just when I think it's getting good, POW! Press the buttons! Now press the other buttons! Now press this button that turns on a button that lets you go in the building and push the buttons! Now look at these doors! Some of them are toy doors that don't work! Some of them are real and contain flashing lights!

(Translating that into Constructive Criticism: The puzzles were not fun after a while. Try something else.)

Scores (5 is about the average rating):

~ Visual artistry: 6 out of 10. Lighting in some levels was perfect, lighting in others was nonexistant. The texturing that was good was really, really, good, but the texturing that was bad was baaaaaaaad. The last boss level was one of the main offenders here. Try making texture colors less primary and solid and bright. Sculpturing of architecture was excellent.

~ Plot: 7 out of 10. Great, except for the parts that were about silly things involving clones and stuff. The levels stuck to the plot very well. But the objectives (yes, those count as plot) were generally kinda weird and often can be ignored and you can still win.

~ Fun factor: 4 out of 10. I got bored, frustrated, AND confused by the blandness (Oh, run around! Ooo, there's something shooting at you! Ah! It blew up! Now there's a lot of walking around in a maze thing! Oh, now more things are shooting!) and the weird puzzles that got boring fast. Make puzzles smaller, and don't have the player doing just one thing per level. Also, the boss levels were like the same exact level (Ooo! This bad guy sits in his hideout all day! It's got 3 or 4 floaty gadgets and two floors! The top floor has holes!).

~ Level layout and integrity: 3 out of 10.
RRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH. One single stupid task per level. In one level you try to open doors. In another level you run in a spiral. In yet another completely seperate level you fight a super bad guy. You need to have the player doing more than one thing per level! Add more tasks to each level, and even intertwine them a bit (for example, while you're solving one problem you 'accidentally' get the solution to another seperate one). The nice big room with all the dudes on ledges guarding the button, although it didn't make sense, is the one thing keeping you from a 2 here.

My 'enchanted' concept of mathematics calculates this as your overall score: 5. Average. And very close to 4, which is below average.

On a side note, I made the levels fit into an episode with JKedit, what's the problem?
Posted: 2003-04-24 7:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
Dont know wha some people are saying about this, this is one of the best mods their is. I really liked the music u put in espechaily the halo one.
Posted: 2003-05-13 5:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
You liked the Halo music? thanx, I was hoping someone would say that, because I thought the parts I put the halo music in, suited better than some of the starwars music. Thanx
Posted: 2003-06-23 2:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
WHOA!!! Keep the good work!!! I liked all the three parts, i just played them today. I give it a 9 only because of the voices in the cutscenes...
Posted: 2003-07-10 3:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
I thought this was a good level but u could have made some things better. i will now say them.

LEVEL 1:way to many switches you should have made only about 4 or 5 switches just had a harder way 2 get two them.

LEVEL 2:that was ok but some ppl dont know how to only force jump a bit to get to the balcony without being shot.

LEVEL 3: This was a good level so no critisism here.

LEVEL 4: this was a good level also so again no critism.

LEVEL 5: this was way to random because if u remeber your story line the cannon was not owned by the emporer and tatooine ppl wouldnt have such a radom room it should have looked like a control room.

any way i liked this level so i give it a 10/10. and also looking foward to your toda level by the way when is it coming out.
Posted: 2003-07-10 3:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
o yea one other thing i never got that blue light saber in screen shot 1. did i miss somthing? if so please tell me
Posted: 2003-07-12 2:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
Some textures are from my levels.
He used them without any information about author.
Posted: 2003-07-31 6:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
Id like to say two things, thank you guys for your critasizm, I thought also that level 5 was a bit random, but it was a combonation of running out of space on my computer, as well as ideas, and no you didn't miss the blue lightsaber, you can change the colour of your saber with the patch by pressing a buttion. And the other thing: Really? I used some of your textures and didn't use your name? Sorry about that I thought I got everyone, which textures were yours?
Posted: 2003-08-08 12:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! This was exactly what I hoped for and I mean that to. You had awsome idea's when you made this series and I am keeping A Jedi's Discovery series on my computer for a long time I have been Downloading levels for a long time and finally I found 3 I really enjoy! I have never been able to fight that quick before and it was great that I go to do somthing different for once. I liked how you made the ending for each part man Awsome idea's. You put alot of effort into it and I loved this level. ( 10 )
Posted: 2003-08-23 11:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Whoa, very interesting level(s).. Except, do lighting more next time, which can really make a difference. I liked the mod goo job on that, and the ending was some what mysterious and the evil laugh was excellent!.. One thing is for sure, it can get boring with about 20 switches to press to deactivate a door/forcefield.. Possibly, add more stunts.
The dark jedi was an excellent move in putting in the level.
-Good job
Posted: 2003-09-04 10:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hello im making a real awsome level currently but i hav 1 problem. i suk at making cutscens. this level would kick ass with cutscens. so i need u!!! but only if u can make decent cutscens. i need a cut scene with the yellow writing thing happening as well as 1 with some ppl moving around, shooting, explaining the story etc. please e-mail me if you can make good cutscens also make the subject of the e-mail cutscene or ill probly just delet it. tnx
Posted: 2003-09-10 9:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
ok i really need cutscens. so heres a deal. if u make my cutscens then when i post the lvl where it says hu made the lvl ill right a_person and whoever u r. now thats a good deal. get 50% of he lvl by making cutscens. also i jst relized how good quality zippys cutscens r. hint hint.
Posted: 2003-09-12 10:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
ok ill just come out with it zippy can u plz make my cutscens for my new series thnx.
Posted: 2003-11-23 1:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
Stuck in Level 5 --
OK, I hacked at the two ninja dudes for a while, then they disappeared. I found a red key, but the door on the far side of the room won't open, and I can't use the portal to go back. What did I miss?
Posted: 2003-12-01 8:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
YYYEEAAAHHH!!! the saber mod isnt my fav subject, but i can tell it had a bit of sbx 1.0 in it

the cutscenes were AWESOME! i liked it how u used voices instead of text

the storyline was the best part
it was a challenge, and it wasnt too easy for me (i like it that way)

so here u go a 10
Posted: 2003-12-01 8:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
JAMES VEDDER COULD U CALM DOWN!!!! zippy ur name is fine and james dont be so mean and we r on computers it wouldnt hurt to type in "emailese" or "chatroomsy or "computer lingo" as some ppl call it and vedder there werent a lot of comments its just that ur long comment took way too much space
Posted: 2003-12-30 9:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey guys, sorry if I havn't answered questions in a while, but for a really long time my computer was broken, but now I got one top of the line. I do not plan to edit anymore, the last one took so much out of me, somebody asked me to help with cutsceens. But I'm sorry, I just don't have the time or the programs to do that anymore. I'm sure there is someone else that can help you with it. I really do appologize, especially to those who were hopping for the Yoda game I was going to make, I just don't have the patiants for it anymore. But Thank you to all that enjoyed the series, play on, enjoy life.
Posted: 2004-01-01 1:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
O yea no problem I got over my inability to do cutscenes about 3 monthes ago so thats no prob. A pitty about not doing the yoda level but then again you have been editing a long time and contributed more than most people. So I wont complain.
SSj2 Majin Bejiita
Posted: 2004-01-04 10:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
Personally, I think Zippy's levels are awesome, but then you have to take into account the type of gamer I am (i.e. I run through levels blasting/slashing everything in sight while solving a few puzzles and just causing overall mayhem). I have really enjoyed the "A Jedi's Discovery" series and I do hope Zippy continues to make levels; though if he's going to do anything more involved than a shoot-'em-up level, I would suggest that he learn a few more things about design. I may be a newbie with Jed and maybe months away from releasing even a horribly simple MP level, but I've been playing video games since I could wrap my hands around an Atari 2600 joystick and I know quality in a game when I see it. To Zippy's credit, I have seen it here. I didn't rate this as highly as I did "Legends of the Force" due to Zippy's architexture, but it was just as enjoyable in my opinion.
Posted: 2004-12-08 7:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think Zippy's idea of a Yoda level is good. There is an ep1 Yoda skin in the SBX mod. It works decently in a single-player level but Yoda gets a little tall when I tried to keep his feet from going underground. There are plenty of Yoda wav files over the internet so it wouldn't be difficult to make Yoda talk during the level. He can say something like "Strong am I with the Force, but not that strong" when faced with two paths, one with armies of Imperials and the other a dark tunnel. It's a shame people gave Zippy such a hard time for trying to make fun levels. It really does discourage people from uploading their own levels.

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