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Atom's Cantina SE

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Atom's Cantina SE


This is just a more detailed, more playable, more advanced version of my original level. This and some of my other stuff is available at


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
287.5 KiB


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Posted: 2003-06-27 5:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is Atom's Cantina SE. It is much more open for fighting, and i like the sabers only platforms where it takes guns away, very good for ppl who don't wanna use sabers....although they could shoot out of the doorway to u no matter where u are. A little boring texture but its good, my rating is a 8.5. Keep up the good work at0m and you'll might be a famous level creator!
Lord Varos
Posted: 2003-06-28 9:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
I wish I could say I had some good things to say about this level, but there aren't many I can positive things I can bring myself to say. I will give an in-depth description of what I rated this level and why. Here goes (crosses fingers):

Architecture: 1/10

There was almost no architecture in this entire level. It was a couple of huge connected boxes. I couldn't rate it a 0 though, because of the small dome/rain room, and the use of 1-side adjoining. In the future, try to make interesting architecture, like pillars, pipes, catwalks and doorways that aren't rectangular (hexagonal, circular, etc.).

Texturing: 0/10

Textures were sickening. The colormaps were off in about half the rooms. Also, the entire bar and upper floor was the same texture. The texture for the grotesquely enormous box was to bulky-looking and green. Also, the Bacta sign is backwards, no matter which way you look at it. If you ever make a Special Special Edition, make a new mat for the Bacta sign, with the arrow pointing the other direction. Try to make different textures in different rooms, and put a different texture for the ground than the cieling. And always align the textures in any level.

3do Usage: 0/10

The 3do's interfered with gameplay too much. And also, if you are going to make a saber arena, make it with architexture, not 3do's with no end. Do NOT place a table on its side. It has no bottom. Too many strange 3do's were scattered all over the level. Like the 8t88 with no head floating in midair. In fact, all of the character 3do's were floating. Looks like someone doesn't know how to use generators. Next time, place 3do's in places where players can use them strategically, or somewhere where the 3do enhances the atmosphere or theme of the level. And use a generator to make AI instead of using a skin 3do.

Cog Placement/Implementation: 0/10

First off, the heal and the shield healer should not be right next to each other. Any time a player can walk into a place for 2 seconds and walk out with full health whenever he wants to, you have made a bad room. The rain cog was placed poorly as well, it is just annoying and doesn't fit the whole dark cantina theme. You would have been better off leaving that room like it was. Next time, only add a cog if it will help the level's atmoshpere or make gameplay more fast or balanced.

Weapon/Powerup Placement: 0/10

NEVER, I repeat (for your convenience), NEVER put all of the guns in the same place. One person will camp there and rack up the frags. *Especially* if its right next to the HEALING ROOM. Also, NEVER put all of the powerups in one room, either. Next time, scatter the weapons around, and don't put the ammo for the conc or rail det right next to its respective gun (too much camping). And don't put the conc or rail det next to health, bacta or shields.

Gameplay: 0/10

The above two sections affected this in a large way. Too often, you will be fighting someone in the sabers area, slightly hurt, and a conc bullet will fly from the doorway and blow you into the pit (or kill you). Or you will be fighting somebody and they will run off into the heal room, only to pop back out, conc in hand, putting bullets in your head at close range. Then, after they kill you, they run back in, heal, shield up, run into the conc room to reload, then you come back, 100 health and shields, having conc bullets flying at you nonstop. In summary, this level had about the worst gameplay of any level that I have EVER played! Make more than one entrance to rooms, loop the level from end to end, scatter powerups around, do SOMETHING.

Overall: 0 for n00b

I played on this for an excrutiating 15 minutes before I did this report. It was the most painful 15 minutes of my life. But, factor in my 15 minutes of fame, I figure I break even. Keep working on levels, but STOP using JKedit (and I know you are). The one good thing I have to say about this level is that: the file size is small. So if you are looking for a morbidly boring and aggrivating waste of time, but DON'T want to fill up your hard drive, this is the level for you!
Posted: 2003-07-05 10:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
It was very boxy, the textures were not all great, if your going to make a trap try to have a camera to see what the trap does if the trap is in a different room, and please flag the sky where you go on to all those platforms, it looks like a box with stars painted on it, and make it a bottemless pit also. You could of put music in the bar type place. It was not that good so I gave it a 2 for effort, but dont give up.
Posted: 2003-07-14 7:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
Geeze - a - Wiz. OneOhWorst... STOP ADVERTISING MY FREAKIN' LEVELS!! THESE PPL KNOW HOW TO READ!! pbj, What in the world are you talking about "joint project"? There will be no "joint project."

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter