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Abandoned Duel Arena

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Abandoned Duel Arena


This is a small multiplayer level set in an abandoned port that held duels. The level contains a loading depot with two dueling rooms next to it. This level is recommended for 2-4 players and this is my first level that I'm releasing.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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49.2 KiB


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Posted: 2004-06-22 6:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
You have to learn that level design is about more than some simple archi and 3dos all over the place... unless those 3dos happen to be mind-blowingly amazing. The placement was clever, but a level it makes not. The lighting was alright, but for a 3do-based level, I'd suggest dynamic lighting. You might have wanted to make those consoles DO something, for which I'd suggest learning a little COG if you son't already. This level was well sized, but for a duel arena, people might run away on you. The item placement made sense, and the texture choice, while a little on the bland side, made sense. With these shortcomings in mind, though, this was a fairly good level. You can build on what you learned in making it to make vastly better ones, though, and I hope you continue on the path to JK Editing Domination and do so. :]
Posted: 2004-06-24 9:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thank you for the comment Grismath. I will apply your comments and corrections in another level. Hopefully it will be ALOT better than this one.
Posted: 2004-06-28 9:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think It wasn't too bad although a little big for a duel arena, But still pretty good, the textures were pretty good too although a little boring. Good Job Pcjedi007, hopefully, your next one WILL be better and people will like it more and you will get praise for creating such a good map. Good Luck with the map creating and keep up the good (although not perfect) work.
Posted: 2004-06-28 9:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think It wasn't too bad although a little big for a duel arena, But still pretty good, the textures were pretty good too although a little boring. Good Job Pcjedi007, hopefully, your next one WILL be better and people will like it more and you will get praise for creating such a good map. Good Luck with the map creating and keep up the good (although not perfect) work.
Posted: 2004-06-28 6:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thx Big_J that really helped. I am currently working on a new level and i plan on it being better. There will be a duel area in it, but im going to make it so u cant escape from the duel area unless u die. I might make a second edition for this level if i learn to get 16 bit textures and learn a little bit more cog, like traps and cameras, and i will probibly add more and spiffin it up a little. Again thank you for your comment.

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