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Super Slide

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Super Slide


This is a fairly large level if you include the massive slide. It supports 16 people. You find yourself at the World Famous 'Super Slide'. Do you dare take the slide? or are you too chicken? Have fun, and enjoy.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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482.6 KiB


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Posted: 2004-06-22 3:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
Credit Goes to the Creators of the Mats that are used.
Posted: 2004-06-22 6:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ow. ... I want my eyes back.

I knew something was wrong when I was ina room fileld with concs, but I decided to go on. The concs made sense, little else did. The NPCs were amusing.

The incessantly flashing lights, however, were NOT. Neither was the looping 2 second music clip. That will haunt me in my sleep now. You really antagonize the player in this level. I'm at a loss for words, so I'll instead give you a number.

Posted: 2004-06-22 6:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Heh, The lights are just a distraction from the real ride.. Well, im sorry for ruining your life.. But some might find this level fun :)
Posted: 2004-06-22 8:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
*Ahem* That is MY seizure-inducing texture... and I'm not really happy on how you've used it.

Really, I was about to throw up half-way through that "super" slide. I will admit I was compelled enough to get all the way down to the bottom (how long is it? 1000 JKUs?), but just like Grismath said, I noticed something was wrong when I saw 100 concs placed in the starting room.

Posted: 2004-06-22 8:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry Whelly, I didn't remember where i got the texture from, Full Credit goes to Whelly for the Texture that is used in the Tunnel.

Sorry for any bad Seizures :/
Posted: 2004-06-22 9:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
Heh, nice level, when i went down that slide for the first time, i believe i almost shat myself. Pretty fun level for more than one person.
Posted: 2004-06-22 10:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is utter pain. I played through the level and found that not only is it impossible to have a decent deathmatch in the level, but the concs serve only two purposes. One is to open up the slide. Points for practicality. Two is to save the player time when it comes to killing himself. This is terrible! Though I was rather impressed at the sheer size of the slide. I now need to take some excedrin and go to sleep to shake off the headache I've acquired.
Posted: 2004-06-26 12:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
allthough i have to admit this level is rather retarded, its also incredbly adictive, after playing it for half an hour with my friend snake two things had happened.
my brain had melted, and i'd had a fun time!

it gets 7 out of 10 for sheer, insanity!
Posted: 2004-06-28 7:58 a.m.   Report Abuse
this is a good level and all but can U make a version without the flashing lights on the slide they made me fell dizzy and I stopped before I got a siezure (excuse spelling) I didn't get one so don't worry but just warning U that U will get complaints about that.
Posted: 2004-06-28 10:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
What in the world possessed you to use that afwul strobe texture?!? And that horribly repetitive excuse for music?!? Also, the slide itself is next to impossible! I can't control the player! Even if I look real hard, I can't find any redeeming qualities. If you want a good score, you would have to make a LOT of changes. For example, get rid of all the strobe lights. Also, ger rid of that music. Perhaps you should make the player not die instantly by slamming into the obstacles, or perhaps a checkpoint system. Perhaps a stripe or two on the slide. That way this level would be MUCH better.
Posted: 2004-06-30 4:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
That was fun! Specially with a corner camera (my addition). Although, I wasn't happy about the repeating Matrix music, nor the flashing lights...

Posted: 2004-06-30 7:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
How did this POSSIBLY get LotW?!
Posted: 2004-07-01 10:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Because nobody votes anymore? :D
Posted: 2004-07-01 12:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
congrats on lotw vane.

me and another guy voted for it... i guess none of the other levels got two votes
Posted: 2004-07-01 1:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
I had a level with the same idea that I was going to release, before I lost my harddrive. Well at least Im not the onlyone with good ideas.
Posted: 2004-07-02 1:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
I hate to be rude but this is a health risk. i had to get contacts after playing this. no kidding. so i gave you a zero. sorry better luck next time ^^
Posted: 2004-07-02 8:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
eyes hurt
Posted: 2004-07-03 2:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
I've never been the guy to put a level down, but this has gone too far. There are sooo many great maps here that have NEVER gotten a LotW... yet this seizure inducing map does?

It's when levels like this win LotW that make editors like me wonder why we even try. Editors who will go out of there way to make a decent map... with good lighting, texturing, geometry and architecture... not to mention gameplay... What's the point if no one cares?

I'm not saying I'm a decent mapper by any standard, but at least I try. And at this point, the only reason I do try is because editing is something I really enjoy doing... obviously few are left here at Massassi who will take it seriously.

Look, I don't mean to put the author down... but this map is lacking in almost every way... the final product is just a lazy fabrication that might have been so much more.
Posted: 2004-07-03 2:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
I've never been the guy to put a level down, but this has gone too far. There are sooo many great maps here that have NEVER gotten a LotW... yet this seizure inducing map does?

It's when levels like this win LotW that make editors like me wonder why we even try. Editors who will go out of there way to make a decent map... with good lighting, texturing, geometry and architecture... not to mention gameplay... What's the point if no one cares?

I'm not saying I'm a decent mapper by any standard, but at least I try. And at this point, the only reason I do try is because editing is something I really enjoy doing... obviously few are left here at Massassi who will take it seriously.

Look, I don't mean to put the author down... but this map is lacking in almost every way... the final product is just a lazy fabrication that might have been so much more.
Posted: 2004-07-04 2:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
What does it take to make a good level? Does it have to be good architecture (excuse the spelling) or lighting? How about those quite simple levels that are just plain fun? I believe they deserve credit as being a good level too. Lets take Purg, its a beautifully designed level, huge with lots of nifty secrets and such. But after spending a decent amount of time in there doesn't it become a tad tiresome? Especially with less than 4 people. Now Super Slide, I played it alone and had a blast. I played it with friends too, Concing eachother the way down, racing to see who can get to the finish first (and yes it is possible). With most levels, you can't get that kind of thrill this provides. Now I believe this level deserves its place as level of the week, for its sheer simplicity and straight up fun design.

Good Job, Vane keep up the good work.
Posted: 2004-07-05 5:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
As I said, it could have been so much more. It was at least a good original idea.

But to answer yor question... No, it doesn't have to have nice lighting, texturing and archi to be a good map... but IMO, it does need all of those elements, including great flow and gameplay, in order for it to be considered a LotW.

Look, one of my favorite maps is one of the originals... Emp Night Club. However, even with all the cute gimmicks, traps, secrets.... it just shouldn't be a LotW... Simply because of it's simplicity, gruelling flow, and all around ammature design. This map is similar in that respect.

For example, given the great concept of a twisty curvy tube slide, Vane was left with a great opprotunity to do some really creative texturing... but he instead chose to multiselect every surface in the tube and set it to the same inappropriate texture.

Look everyone, I'm not trying to put a fellow editor like Vane down. This is fine for a first map... but it's not nearly enough of an acheivement to be considered for a LotW. I mean C'mon, there has to be somone here that agrees.
Posted: 2004-07-05 10:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
It seems Jk's last ounce of strength was suddenly dissapated over night... well at least more peeps play it on the zone then JO. I wonder why.
Posted: 2004-07-06 11:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
The music was ok people!! And the strobe lights and the music give it some fun. What kind of person would just have none moving stuff and no music for a game??? Music makes it fun, and btw its GOOD!!!!
Posted: 2004-07-06 11:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
The music was ok people!! And the strobe lights and the music give it some fun. What kind of person would just have none moving stuff and no music for a game??? Music makes it fun, and btw its GOOD!!!!
Posted: 2004-07-07 9:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a very simplistic and annoying level. Anyone could have made it, and there's really no fun-factor in the level. A slide wasn't a bad idea, but the annoying animated MAT and the repetitive, short music is enough to give anyone a headache in just about 10 minutes of gameplay. After picking up several concussion rifles that were floating nearly above my head, I started down the slide twice and died on a wall about half-way down each time. I was curious to know what was at the bottom, however, so I just opened the level up in JED and found out that nothing is at the bottom except an elevator to go back up. Oh well, at least that means the designer of the level used one cog. Besides that, I was amazed at the immense size of the slide - it's gigantic, but that doesn't mean it's any fun. I really don't understand how this level got Level of the Week.

You get a 1.
SM Mister Moe
Posted: 2004-07-08 11:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level killed my dog.
Posted: 2004-07-08 1:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
We've had something like this happen a few weeks ago too. The problem is that no one ever votes for lotw. So as soon as a map gets one vote, it wins - regardless of wether or not it deserved it. I think we need a new system. Or maybe I'll make a point to go vote for a decent map every week!
Posted: 2004-07-08 4:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
0! You get an F along with the guy who compared this map to Purgatory. I know that I am supposed to post only constructive criticism here, but this is pushing my tollerance a bit too far. This map is nothing, it is crap, it is dirt! It is a spec of fecal matter in your drinking water and I found it difficult to breath while I played it.

Suggestions for improvement:
- A record player 3DO that can be shot to kill the music.
- An uninstaller.
Posted: 2004-07-08 9:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Flexor, I've voted for MLP4 almost every week since 10/2001, and will continue to do so until it finally wins! Obsessed? Me? Bah.
Posted: 2004-07-08 9:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, as usual, I'll put in a good comment. For all you people out there, don't panic; there is a way to make this level playable! Play it with a grapple mod, since they usually turn off falling damage. That way, you won't die every five seconds from those annoying walls... oh, and Vane, get rid of the elevator, make the players respawn to the top when someone gets to the bottom, have the cover over the entrance reappear when that happens, and give the one who touched the floor first some points. That would make it a contest, instead of a suicide run like it is now. And make it so the AI aren't killed at the first drop, please! AND GET RID OF THE STUPID FLASHING LIGHTS! With these changes, Super Slide 2 could be one of the good games out there.
Dragon Fire
Posted: 2004-07-12 8:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
My eyes hurt so badly I don't think they'll ever walk again.
Posted: 2005-12-02 10:49 a.m.   Report Abuse

Ahem. *goes down slide again and overtakes that loser with a hacking fly tool* omg this level rules x] I think that the music got a bit annoying, (did anyone else fid the 2nd tube? Look harder then) 7/10 for pure randomness. I'm gna edit this to be a single-player so i can use cheats on it x]

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