Money Cog Description
The Massassi Temple » Cogs » Cogs for Single Player » Money Cog Description
It was designed in Mots, but it sould work in JK, I don't know for sure I have not tested it in JK. It is made for use in the creation of single player levels. It has a bank machine(a consolse where you withdraw credits from) and deposit (a consolse where you dump all the credits you have on you into your bank account), in it you talk to people by activating them, for instance there is a payer who will ask you to assainate someone, once you assasinate them (listed as deadman in the cog) you return to payer and activate him again and he will pay you the blood money. Also there is a setup for a store with a storekeeper who will welcome you if you have money or not (if you activate him) and consoles which you activate to get items if you have enough money. (real items are suppose to be displayed in a glass case benind the console and you activate the console to get that type of item) For now this is only for one level, that is I mean it won't carry the money amount to the next level yet. This and other options will be added in the next version.