Cogs for Single Player

The Massassi Temple » Cogs » Cogs for Single Player

JK and MotS

File Description Author
AI - AI Behind You When player crosses an adjoin, an enemy will be created at a ghost position and a sound will optionally be played.. JDKnite188
AI - Friendly AI Actors designated by 'friendly' will assist the player once touched. Zero
Camera - Actor Cam A simple camera designed specifically for the camera to be an actor. Prevents crashing if the actor has died. JED_Master
Misc - Cutscene Example Example cog for a MotS-style cutscene (uses cogs to control actors. Played in-game). Antony E.
Misc - Money Click here for description. Matthew Pate/Merlin
Misc - UNI String General Cog that prints a UNI string. It is triggered by many different messages Pele

JK Only

File Description Author
Lightswitch This cog is a simple lightswitch cog. It controls two thing lights (or things) with two switches, changing them from no light (off, default), to full light (on). The variable startlight controls how bright the lights are. EH_AceCSF

MotS Only

File Description Author
Colored Saber Shows how to set sabercolor through cog. LEC