2024-09-19 Old Man Bruce Wayne
2024-06-27 MotS Episode + Game Engine Cutsceā¦
2024-06-21 MotS Secret Level Remastered
2024-03-18 The power of Mara Jade
2024-01-01 Repeater Rifle Mod
- Death of Massassi Level Pack
- Massassi MP Packs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Massassi Capture The Flag Pack
- Jedi Knight Arena Level Pack
- SP Contest Winners: 1, 2
- H o l i d a y Logo Contest
JK Arena: MP Modification
Millennium: Cog Resource
Rbots: JK/Mots Bots

BTW: Massassi is the best web site in the history of the universe! - Otterbine
Saturday, December 28, 2024
At LucasArts, Yves contributed to Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II, its expansion Mysteries of the Sith and tools for Star Wars Episode I: Obiwan.
Other career highlights include work on Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption, Starcraft: Ghost, Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects, Conan, and PlayStation Move Heroes.
This extensive conversation explores Yves' technical and creative challenges, offering insights into his impactful career.
The interview on Youtube (premieres December 29, 2024).
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Author: Shimstock
Description: Update to Mysteries of the Sith designed to be the new definitive and ultimate way to play!
1) New patched level set! --Fixes countless level bugs and hopefully all soft-locks
2) Game-engine cutscenes! --Complete with isolated voices and stereo soundtrack
3) More Remastered Assets than ever before! --Thanks to SHRED for a long list of new hi-res ship models added
--Everything is compatible with the remastered assets, even the cutscenes!
--Enabled by default, but easy to disable. Play how you want!
4) New non-remastered assets, such as correctly textured 1st person Kyle models --Thanks to KNIGHTCOP
5) Saber Color Mod --Yellow Saber for Kyle and/or Blue Saber for Mara
--Disabled by default. Customize your experience!
6) MotS Secret Level: Both versions included--the unfinished original and the most complete Secret Level+
This could not have been possible without the contributors, of whom are among the most talented in this community. Please thank them if you enjoy this!

Friday, October 4, 2024
Example of a MotS level that wasn't rendering but now is: MotS Secret Level Remastered.
If you find that any JK or MotS levels aren't rendering in 3d Preview, please send me a note and we'll see if we can get it fixed.
- New FPS-like controls (click the little person in the bottom left hand corner) (this works better if you click through to the full-screen version)
- Bug fixes that let older maps like Frag Factory render
- Various behind-the-scenes improvements
Thanks again, Stephen!
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Author: Jesse Middleton
Description: This is a skin that I made of Old Man Bruce Wayne based on Batman Beyond. He has a brown lightsaber [his walking stick!]. He has some vocals that I took straight out of Batman The Animated Series TV Show & Batman Beyond. When you first play, make sure you "jump" to hear a special vocal from Kevin Conway himself! :)

Thursday, June 27, 2024
Author: Shimstock
This mod serves as a reworking of the latest cutscene assets, with forward-thinking and moddability in mind.
- These assets hidden in the original game disc (\Resources\Video\Cutscenes.zip) were first crafted by Edward for in-game use and for OpenJKDF2 compatibility by FastGamerr.
- With the cutscenes installed as below, you will have the ability to mod the cutscenes entirely. As the 1st edition of this project, it is expected that new base assets in \Resources\JKM+.goo will need to be modified over time for more precise moddability.
- Building off the recent cutscenes mod by FastGamerr, you now no longer need to rely on a batch file to start the game. This does get rid of some game glitches this method caused. Also, you do not have to turn the cutscenes off from the in-game menu. Theoretically, this should also work on both vanilla and OpenJKDF2 but has only been tested on the latter.
- Full compatibility with JKMRemastered.goo assets (packaged by GeneralTantor)--turn them on or off as you please! Run the cutscenes on the game engine with original assets or enhanced assets.
- As a proof-of-concept, two saber color mods are included--one which makes Kyle's saber color yellow with Yun's hilt and one which makes Mara's saber color blue with Luke's ESB hilt (credit to Shred18 for the excellent high-poly model!). One or both? Vanilla or remastered assets? Yes. In any combination!
- Refer to INSTALLATION.txt for installation steps, additional information about the concept, and the changes required to make this possible.

Friday, June 21, 2024
Author: Shimstock
Description: For those that never knew, an unfinished and unsupported LEC level was hidden along with the original game. Based on the duel at Bespin from The Empire Strikes Back, you play as Luke on a mission to rescue his friends after his Force vision on Dagobah. Unfortunately, the unfinished level featured boss battles with dark Mara Jade and dark Kyle Katarn instead of Darth Vader. This remaster brings the cinematic experience it had originally lacked and adds much more completeness to the level. Please note that all level architecture is the same-- this seemed complete. What has changed are the functions within the level. You wanted to fight Vader like in the movies, so here it is! I went as far as adding an alternate ending, so have fun finding that.
Many changes and improvements were made; however, the greatest improvements are with the final boss duels. For a full list of changes, please read the Release Notes.txt. Going forward, I encourage anyone that wants to make further improvements to use this project as a base. Although most of the level may now feel complete, there are several areas that could be still be improved on--namely the encounter with Boba Fett, Vader escaping the Carbon Freeze, Vader's force powers, considerations playing at different difficulties, etc.
For fans of the original trilogy, I expect this to be a satisfying treat. I recommend using jkgfxmod, EnhancementMod assets, and Neural texture pack or any latest and greatest texture pack for best esthetics. MotS Remastered by GeneralTantor sets it all up for you. Included in this package are high poly models of Luke's lightsaber hilt, which had been masterfully fitted for use with JK by none other than the maker of EnhancementMod himself, Shred18! You may manually place them both in the episode goo if you would like.

Saturday, June 8, 2024
Regarding MotS cutscenes on the front page, here's something that could also be featured there for people to check out (I've only tested it on OpenJKDF2, there's a chance that it might work under JkGfxMod or even the original game):
Basically it's partially based on MotS' own cutscenes.goo files and the edits Edward made for his project back in 2009/2010 or so. And it's very very jerry-rigged.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024
I remade all of Kyle's mission cutscenes (and the intro) from Mysteries of the Sith and uploaded them to youtube in HD. I didn't know who to tell besides my younger brother who I used to play the game with when we were kids. Don't know if I'll make a part 2 since I can't open some of the cinematic levels in game. But here are Kyle's missions at least. I had to re edit parts of the cinematics because the cinematics are very buggy in-game.
In addition, Edward linked a preview of his separate work to improve the cutscenes.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Author: Maximilian J
Description: Mara has been sent on a mission to find and rescue Kyle but its not going to be easy to find him.

- Corrected error with vornattack1, now being the correct sound
- Improved sounds of rancchew1 and rancchew3
- Replaced 10 sound effects with high quality 44kHz stereo sounds from source!
- Bryar mount sound, metal walking and running sounds, etc.
- Included spreadsheet to track sounds from source included with release
Please re-download to get the new version!
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Word is that it doesn't support running mods or addon levels, but you can dust off your old copy of DF and run it on modern computers with mods using The Force Engine.
Friday, February 9, 2024
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Crow41.rar by KnightCop
A re-texture of the Moldy Crow 3DO turning it into a 90s era Stock Car, with racing colours, sponsor logos and the number 41.
This model is an homage to the car seen in the DAYTONA USA Arcade Game from 1994.
This model was made purely for fun and despite the implication of the screenshots, was NOT created for a larger mod or level set.

Sunday, January 28, 2024
PepsiMachine.zip by KnightCop
A Faithful re-creation of a 1999 Pepsi vending machine with Star Wars Episode 1 the Phantom Menace advertising. If you wanna make your map look like it was made circa 1999-2002, then look no further than this 90's Nostalgia Wave piece of scenery!

Updated 2024-01-28! If you downloaded prior to this date, please re-download.
Replacement for JKMsndLO.goo with all high quality sounds! Includes:
- 442 high quality 22kHz stereo JK sound effects, replacing low quality MotS where possible
- 209 upscaled MotS sound effects-- from 11kHz mono to 44.1kHz mono
- 497 upscaled MotS voice dialogue recordings-- from 11kHz mono to 44.1kHz mono
Changelog V2.0:
- Since V1.0, nearly all sound effects were redone for better results.
- Upscaled Voices finished
- Force Pull and Push sounds are swapped
- Cover art graphic for the project, by KnightCop (Thanks!)
ATTENTION: As this project is intended to be an upgrade, any original errors in association were corrected--namely force push/pull.
It is the author's belief that Force Push and Force Pull sounds had been mistakenly swapped during development. Making this change creates consistency with the force pull sound from Jedi Knight. This is not without controversy. Please see attached document for additional details. If it is your preference for these sounds to be used in the original way, mistake or not, simply swap the filenames "fpush.wav" and "forcepull01.wav" and replace them back in JKMsndLO.goo.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Saturday, January 20, 2024
If you are composing a long message, I strongly recommend composing it in a text editor or something and then pasting it in. It's likely the forums are going to be up and down between now and midnight and I'd hate for anyone to lose a nice long message.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Friday, January 5, 2024
Enemy 5-pack, using unreleased early JK development weapons!
The Tusken prod and stormtrooper rifle repeater, as seen in early JK advertisements, were ultimately scrapped before the final release. However, related files were left behind in both JK and MotS original game assets. The weapons and their functions were recreated as faithfully as possible to the available source material. The AI for repeater rifle enemies gives them a long-range preference.
The following enemies use these weapons:
- 1/2: Brown/Black Tusken with Tusken Prod
- 3: Imperial Commando with Repeater Rifle
- 4: Stormtrooper with Repeater Rifle
In addition, a fifth early development enemy is included: 8t88's Beast/Dog Grendel. The enemy, as seen in cutscenes, was intended for use in JK. Unused files were left in MotS assets. It was discarded possibly because it needed the "leap" ai instinct, which was not ready until MotS. I suspect this because the key animations correlate with the Vornskyr leap attack. Interestingly, the upper and lower jaw textures were renamed and reused for the Vornskyr. Another iteration of this enemy was found in "The Continuing Adventures of Mara Jade" in which the model was used as a _flyactor; whereas accurately the enemy was designed to primarily walk. I would like to emphasize the enemy is a boss and is designed to be a challenge. While it functions in both JK and MotS, the leaping instinct in MotS gives it the more authentic experience. Lastly, original and upscaled sounds for the dog are included, for your preference.
Monday, January 1, 2024
Author: KnightCop, Shimstock
Description: Replaces the player repeater and pickups with the stormtrooper rifle repeater/DLT-19 as seen in advertisements, that was removed during early development of JK. Original files survived in both JK and MotS. Models for 1st person view, pickups, and original repeater bolt were found in JK assets; while animations were found in MotS assets. Textures were apparently shared with the E-11 stormtrooper rifle. New external model, external animation, corrected original animations, sound, and weapon cog were made for completion. Special thanks to KnightCop for all related research and excellent image! Place the GOB in your mods folder. Enjoy!

Author: Shimstock
Description: Replacement for JKMsndLO.goo with all high quality sounds!
- high quality JK sound effects replace low quality MotS where possible
- upsampled 204 MotS sound effects from 16-bit, 11025Hz, 176kbps to 16-bit, 48000Hz, 768kbps
Voices (496 total) will be included in v2.0. For now, the rebel intercom voices for level 1 are included.