Jedi Academy Demo Walkthrough: Mercenary Activity - Tatooine

We've been receiving a number of reports that the Disciples of Ragnos have been trying to hire mercenaries and smugglers to haul some cargo. If we can contact one of these mercenary groups, maybe we can find out the cult's base of operations. One of the smuggling rings that we know about is based at Mos Eisley. Go there and see what you can find out.

The mission begins with a series of cutscenes. Kyle heads off to one of the cantinas while you're left to wait by the door in case things get sticky. Things do get sticky, but as it turns out, Chewbacca's the one in the middle of it. You go with Chewie to get rid of the riff-raff.

You begin at a doorway that leads to a vacant landing pad. Ducking behind various crates and containers are rodians, trandoshans, etc. You realize you need to get back indoors to steer away from the crossfire. Make your way to a doorway to the far right of the pad, nearly behind where you came in.

Once inside make your way through the room, taking out the goons ducking behind crates on either side. Head for the door directly opposite from where you came in.

Walk through the series of doorways and henchmen that follow — it's pretty linear — till you get to the next landing pad are. This one's got a couple of smugglers' ships docked. You'll need to clear out all the stooges that make an appearance here before you can proceed, which will involve moving through the storage areas and back again. Watch for the gran upon the far ledge hurling thermal detonators down at you. You'll know you're done when a cutscene takes over showing the Falcon and the Raven's Claw pinned down by tractor beams. Once you're done in this area head for the door across the pad, behind the docked ships, to proceed.

Inside, head left, take out the trando and trooper at the end of the hall, and exit through the last door on the right.

You'll find yourself at the landing pad where the Raven's Claw is docked. Head to the far right corner of the pad to access a secret area. You'll need walk over to the storage area to the far left, at the ship's rear, before a cutscene takes over. Goons of all kinds come pouring in through a door, pinning you and Chewie down behind some crates.

Chewie agrees to hold them off while you try to deactivate the tractor beams. As you head through the doorway a rocket slams into the containers behind you, blocking your path back to Chewie. Onwards! Follow the doors through to a storage room with trip mines planted across the way. Keep an eye out for trandos with repeaters! Make your way to the end of the room and head through the door on the right.

The moment you walk through the door a thermal detonator is hurled at you from a staircase ahead of you and to the right. Don't run into the room or you're sure to be within its blast radius. Once it's clear have something handy with which to dispatch the gran at the top of the stairs before he hurls another detonator at you. At the top of the stairs head right down the hall and then left into the room. A few stooges are milling about here, along with a couple familiar-looking droids... the doorway you're looking for is to the left.

This leads you out onto a strip of walkway above one of the landing pads and towards the central building where the tractor beam controls are located. A rodian comes out to greet you with his disruptor rifle. Get rid of him and enter the building. After walking through another doorway or two you'll get to the very center of the building where you'll found an elevator that looks suspiciously out of place. A couple of rodians are milling about in here, too. Take them out, then take the elevator up one level.

Ahead of you is a panel with a switch you can use to deactivate one of the tractor beams. To find the other switch, turn around and head through the doorway behind you. You'll also find a Cultist here waiting for you. Once he's been dispatched, deactivate the second beam and head back to the elevator. It will automatically take you two levels down. Here, walk to the doorway directly behind the elevator. This area seems a bit buggy, but the door should open to reveal Chewie waiting for you on the other side.

Head through the hall to the last doorway on the right. You'll exit out onto the pad where the Falcon docked. You're not out of the woods yet though, as more goons are hiding behind boxes and crates for one last shot at you. Once you've cleared them out the cutscenes will take over and you're done with the mission, receiving high praise from the Wookiee, no less.


Secret Area 1

At the landing bay where the Moldy Crow's docked, there's a storage area to the far right nearly blocked with crates. Jump past the crates to find a Medpack and a stash or thermal detonators.