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The SmackDown Hotel

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » The SmackDown Hotel


This is a big level meant for gunners, recommended for 3 or more players for good action. It has many guns and even area`s for saber battles. It takes place entirely around The SmackDown Hotel and has a pool with a diving board, some hotel rooms, a bunch of secrets and many other places to fight.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
174.2 KiB


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Posted: 2000-08-04 1:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
I found this level to very small and tiny...not worth the d/l. The secrets are well placed but they only hide weapons and way to many of them. The upstairs lay out was almost exactly like Drazen Hotel and Casino. you even had the sky ceiling like DHC only not as well done. In all i think is is your basic first level post.
Posted: 2000-08-04 3:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
you didnt even set the sky too be sky, you may need to check out the tutorial for that...
SM Sith Lord
Posted: 2000-08-04 5:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
The Rock should lay the smack down on your candy-ass for trying to make the Smack Down hotel! Where are the street signs man! On the corner of Jabroni Dr. and Know Your Role Blvd. Do you see this keyboard? I'm gonna pick it up, turn this son 'a b*tch sideways... AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR CANDY ASS JABRONI! IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLL.... WHAT THE ROCK.......... IS COOKING!

Didn't mean to be mean, just got carried away, sorry.

[SM]Sith Lord
Posted: 2000-08-04 7:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is not too great. Oh, and by the way, SM Sithlord, we didnt find your little rage burst mena, we just thought it was corny.
Posted: 2000-08-05 6:06 p.m.   Report Abuse offnense but this is kind of crappy. Horrid CMP errors, color clashing ugly repetitive textures and boxy architecture do not make a great level. It doesn't have any relation to the smackdown hotel at all. Unless the Rock lives in the dead middle of space and drive a Tie, A moldy crow and a transport shuttle. The author obviously blatently copied Beefcaike with the layout of the upstairs floor. And what's with people using the green arrows as a wall texture? Talk about ugly. I don't think the author could have made it uglier.
Posted: 2001-03-15 9:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I am DoS_kackorot(I joined a different clan) and I wanted to say, I`m sorry. This was my very first level, and not a very good one. I`m glad to hear that I can do secrets well as far as placement, but not the actual contents of them. I`ve retired from level making. I actually made a SmackDown Hotel 2, but I don`t think I should release because its the same level, just got more stuff and rooms and things I tried to fix. But it still is the same. But I tried. I did make some other levels 2, but their also not worth the release. besides, I don`t have them anymore. I had a comp crash and they all were deleted. I don`t even have SmackDown Hotel anymore. OH well. I wouldn`t play it anyway. Anyway, thanks for letting me know how the level was.

-D_B_Z_kackorot(formerly DoS_kackorot)
Posted: 2001-08-12 7:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
THIS LEVEL IS AWFULL!!!!!!!!!I cant belive I ACTULLY downlaoded it. Also, I dont care if this was your first level! I could make better. O-('.'Q)

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