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The Prototype

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » The Prototype


A small group of stormtrooper commandos are secretly dropped into a Reeyees ship in the lower stratosphere. The Reeyees are friends of the rebels and have stolen a new prototype of bomber. Command has given you an entire, detailed briefing on the mission. Drop in, destroy them, get out. But the commander of this ship is someone command could never have thought of, and will make this mission change your life forever...

This is the background to my upcoming trilogy of SP episodes, where you play a stromtrooper, meeting his destiny. At the start, other stormtroopers will aid you, but an unforeseen event changes all this. The first episode of the trilogy has 3 levels in it, introducing that first fateful mission.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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406.9 KiB
The Chimera


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Posted: 2001-03-22 8:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Where too begin......

Texturing...I aint gonna even comment on that

Architecture(if that is how you spell it) Alot of....boxes.

Cog Usage....not bad

Wrap up: The story line is does not make sense. You crash land on a planet which is literally....a huge box.

If you like senseless violence with no plot, no theme and no real place in the hardrive of any self respecting JK player. This is your lvl.
Val Langley
Posted: 2001-03-22 8:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was an interesting journey to say the least. I'll comment on the first area only; once the stormies
turn on you it gets frustrating.

It was very amusing and entertaining to just punch a group of Stormtroopers to jump start their AI, and while they wandered into the next area, sit back as the killing would begin. They would indiscrimatly destroy everything in sight--but you, and including each other. I laughed out loud-they were funny. Beyond that this level was pull switch kill, enter new area, maim. I'll say to the editer's credit that he allowed the player the choice of using the saber, which although it didn't make sense, like much of the level, it was nice to have the option without having to cheat. And they were sort of sitting there, like this place has a bunch of sabers lieing around. The comm room was also flooded for no appearant reason, and it actually tells you this. Perhaps the author didn't mean for this level to envoke laughter, but that's what I got from it. I say try it once at least. I liked it. This auhtor will do good stuff in the future.
Posted: 2001-03-23 4:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
I disagree with abed. The texturing was very good. I liked the walls in that first screen shot. very nice. Very nice lvl. gave you a 10, cause I doubt I can even make a lvl, let alone a SP level.
Posted: 2001-03-23 9:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanx for all the comments. They will be very helpful in the next trilogy. Glad most of you liked it and I am very pleased with the mark! :)
Just a little question:
What would y'all like to see in the next set?
Posted: 2001-03-23 9:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, what mod were you using in the screenshots, if anyone out there knows, where the hell is Army TC, it seems to have dissapeared of the face of the earth.
Posted: 2001-03-23 11:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Are you kidding me?.

I have not seen a lvl this bad since I last played Mario 1. And I doubt you could make a lvl, and yes I do design lvl's. And yes I do talk from experience.
Posted: 2001-03-23 1:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah yeah...I heard your opinion Abel. I think I get the idea.
The mod was SS 8.5/
The next set of levels will take longer to come as I am making a Half life SP level as well.
Posted: 2001-03-23 4:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm not one to criticize though Chimera, I only create MP Levels, I dont have the determination and patience for a SP. *Hats off to you*
Posted: 2001-03-23 4:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Tsk, tsk tsk. Some people are too full of themselves. They keep their expectations of "good JK levels" too high. Different people have different experience and i think Chimara is pretty brave to put hi early stuff out. Abel, shut up. I think this is a great pack.
Posted: 2001-03-23 5:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh yes, and Xizor- early levels are meant for practice so you can get a hang of Jed (or Jkedit in some cases), and usually most people will agree they should not be posted on a website.
Posted: 2001-03-23 5:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Stop ganging up on Abel.

I too think this level should not have been published.

Architecture: Mostly various sizes of boxes. Paper thin walls, almost no usage of doors and very few creative rooms.

Texturing: I found the texturing pretty repetitive. The level was all the same thing; there was no variation in the texturing, for the most part.

3do Placement: I saw a lot of 3do's that dipped through bottom of the level. The 3do placement wasn't very good.

Enemy Placement: It wasn't horrible; though I cant say it was great. On the second level, you usually die before you can even pull out a gun.

AI: What was up with those stormies?

Cog Usage: Not that bad, one of the few saving graces of this level.

Lighting: Horrible. In a lot of areas, even a light w/ lightsaber out would not get rid of even a small amount of darkness.

Story Line: This was pretty bad. Half the time you have no idea which way it's going.

Summary: Not a great level. However, I do applaud the author for effort. Not many people could even make this, as single player levels are difficult to make, and even more difficult to make decently.

Posted: 2001-03-24 3:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
How long did it take you to do this level? i mean, i'm working on a level (my first) and its taking about 1 year and i havent completed 2% of it, but anyway i reckon it looks decent if not overdetailed. I find it hard to do THREE levels in a short time.
I'm in a world of slow motion i think.

Any way, good effort.
Posted: 2001-03-24 7:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level pack must have taken hard work. I think it was good for the author to release it. Alot of aspects are messed up though and have already been mentioned.
Posted: 2001-03-24 2:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
No Gilenas, this did not take hard work.

We need to dispell this myth that SP levels are "so hard" to make. They take time, effort, and there are more aspects to consider. But they aren't that different from MP.

I gave it a 3. I could swear this was made with JKedit, but the readme says it's a Jed product. I'm skeptical about that. Everything about it was sub-standard. Don't even bother downloading it. This is not indicitive of community standards.

To author: Don't quite editing, but please take your time making a level. A good SP level takes at least 3 months in production. And try to emulate the quality of good levels.
Posted: 2001-03-28 8:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
Tsc_danny85331 Posted: "I disagree with abed. The texturing was very good. I liked the walls in that first screen shot. very nice. Very nice lvl. gave you a 10, cause I doubt I can even make a lvl, let alone a SP level."

Danny- from what you said, I take it that you 1. did not play the level and 2. Do not think texturing needs to be all that good.

Just because you could not make a level like that does not mean it is a good level. It is rated by gameplay and structure. I ask that you please refrain from commenting unless you are actually going to describe what was good/bad about the level, and not just post messages that have no use.
Force master2
Posted: 2001-06-14 12:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
found a bug: when u press the switch on level 2, the program quits!!!
Posted: 2001-09-17 5:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
not bad, but as in "The Nightmare" which I played first, switches are overused. And this time its not a dream so I can say its not realist :-) hehe 7/10
Posted: 2001-10-04 6:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
It's always good to release a first level. It allows comments to give constructive (well, not always) critizism (critisizm? critecizm?). It also let's you know what people like by watching downloads and experimenting with different themes. My contructive cri- stuff: Make some better rooms, more doors, oh and texture. DOn't just put a MAT on the wall and let it sit. Put some pride in your work, texture it to fit the wall.
Posted: 2001-10-28 4:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
what mod are you using?
Posted: 2001-12-09 2:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey Nice lvl! Hey,Chimera,near the top u asked us what we would like to see in future levels..... I WANT TO BE ABLE TO CONTROL YODA!!!! hes the coolest
Posted: 2002-01-17 7:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
this level was.... well, different, i found it hilarious to watch the AI blast each toher apart, but why do they turn on you? and, please enlighten me on where i can find a planet that is a perfect cube. and, why were there lightsabers just lyign aroudn for no reason??. I also noticed that the comm room is filled with water, and is the only place on the map with water did someone leave a sink running 2 long?
Posted: 2002-12-30 11:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
great level! nice to be the bad guy for once. whens the seond installment coming?
Posted: 2002-12-30 11:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
On the screenshots it shos a differint wepon and the health and ammo meters are differint? it wasent like that when i played it.
Posted: 2003-08-16 12:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Extremely glitchy and confusing. The lighting was horrible, though realistic. And the storyline made no sense whatsoever.

It's kinda like JK on heroin. Not that that's neccessarily bad, people write song whiles they're high and everyone loves them, but it's not really my thing.

The level shut down around the start of the second level, I kinda gave up there.

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