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Croutching Tiger, Hidden Jedi

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Croutching Tiger, Hidden Jedi


This is a single-play or net-play patch for Jedi Knight. The name says it all. There are a few errors, nothing big: (1) the name of the weapons are screwed up, (2) the names of some multiplayer skins are skrewed up, and (3) don't bother trying to use the kick and the grappling hook because it won't work, but the third thing will. Thankfully, this is BFP2 compatible.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.7 MiB


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Posted: 2001-07-19 6:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
If the errors aren't that big, why not take the time to fix them? Most people probably won't even bother if your mod is buggy.
Posted: 2001-07-19 6:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Most, if not all of the keys are taken from other mods. And of course the names of the powerups and skins are from ninja cage. I'm not sure about the sounds. But I'm pretty sure the blood effect was from another mod as well, because if you knew how to make blood, you'd know how to change simple powerup and skin names. I rate this mod 5, because, even though you took alot of stuff from other mods, you managed to get it to work and gob it correctly. However, next time I suggest you take time to learn how to fix the bugs, and make your own keys.
Posted: 2001-07-19 7:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
Alright, don't take this the wrong way or anyhthing, I'm not trying to be mean
or make fun of you, I'm just being constructive. You've already put out
a few mod's, and at first I just thought "Well, he's obviously new to
editing, and everyone releases a bad mod or two, just because they can,
but now it's getting old. All of your mod's have just been rip off's of
Ninja Kage, and there is NO new material in any of them, they just take
some keys and saber cogs. You didn't even change the name of kyle in multiplayer
mode from Kage. And the problems you described were REALLY
easy to fix. And when you take an idea like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,
which has SO much possibility (I've actually already started planning a
crouching tiger mod) and don't even add anything like a new sp skin, or
new fighting moves, and maybe a sword instead of a lightsaber. So I just
think it might be a good idea if you stop releasing the same mod (which
SavageX did almost all of) over and over, and maybe spend some time
working on your editing skills. Try making some new skins or keys yourself,
it's not as hard as you might think. I hope you're not too insulted, and that you take my advise.

Posted: 2001-07-19 7:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Im just going to downright insult him for wasting the time of the 13 people who downloaded this (as of now). Can u at least make something original for once? Im sick of seeing the same thing over and over in ur mods. ShadowX perfect all of this Ninja kage and SBX and ur mods copy right off of them. U dont add anything new u don't even try. A pathetic attempted and crude copy of Ninja Kage as well as lack of vision or originallity. I gave this a 0 don't download it, get ninja kage instead.
Posted: 2001-07-20 1:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
You didn't even spell "crouching" right.
Posted: 2001-07-20 9:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod spent an entire 5 minutes on my hard disk. This is sad. Get some REAL ideas...quit trying & failing to copy SavageX's

They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery...but this..this is an insult.

"The last of the Brunnen G must be destroyed" - His Divine Shadow
Posted: 2001-07-21 6:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
ok Im gona have a say in this, I TRIED to stop the name things and it WOULDN'T WORK! who the F**k cares if things are taken from other patches, I worked hard on this damn thing It took me a 2 months just to get the multi player part to work. The reason why I made this mode is because I wanted the fast swings without a damn sword. It took me, well lets just say too long for me to figure out how to get the jump/handspring to work. Don't tell me shit I already know about things from other patches, I made it, I KNOW!!!
Posted: 2001-07-21 7:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ermm.. Couple of things.. First, chill out. _Most_ of the people who commented were just trying to help... most. I haven't given Massassi any of my mods for a few reasons, one being that I never was shown how to do some things correctly.. so most are for fun with the Imp group I'm in (no, not a newbie Zone clan. Bah.. Zone... icky.. oh, sorry. On to what I was gonna say). Another reason was that even when they were "finished" I still liked to add stuff to it. I was working on a mod called Tenchu (yes, based off of the PSX game) before Ninja Kage came out and it was looking sweet, but then JK stopped working.. as well as JED.. DOH! Anywho, my point is, don't throw out a mod that has some pretty major bugs and that you don't know how to do half of the stuff that you added to it.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm jumping the topic a bit.. just woke up... kinda out of it. ;)

Also, no rating because I didn't download it or play it.
Posted: 2001-07-21 5:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
I put this mod 10 cause guy who create it really done a big job. And idea is pretty cool too. Nice work!
Posted: 2001-07-22 12:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
No need to raise your voice Mr. Zippy... Most people were just making suggestions, and it's a well known fact that people are not always nice to begginers, which you obviously are considering how long you said it took you to figure some of the stuff out, which isn't bad, and doesn't make you stuoid, everyone starts off with trouble's. At least your mod didn't just make everything shoot rail dets really fast, which most beggining mods do, but people really don't take kindly to mods that appear to have stolen material. My first mod (cyborg ninja from metal gear) never even got published even though I sent it 3 times, because all it was, was stolen keys and cogs and a skin I made (most of the things I stole were from ninja kage btw). So I just waited, and kept it around untill I could do my own stuff, and I'm about to release it again soon. So maybe just practice your stuff, and don't release stuff your not 100% happy with, and then maybe re release crouching tiger, new, and not very similar to ninja kage. Hang in there.

P.S. You should watch the language, people don't like that...
Posted: 2001-07-22 2:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
Leave him alone u bastards, I for one, am grateful for each and every mod that comes out here at If you don't like it, don't download it!

Sure it wasn't all his work, but he actually put effort into it, he didn't flat out COPY everything!

He took the time to work on a mod, to stretch out the playing time of Jedi Knight that much more and you're COMPLAINING?!

You should be THANKFUL, like I am.

~( :]
Posted: 2001-07-23 1:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh yeah, RabidRat, you're perfect. This mod, I didn't even bother downloading, from the comments or the screenshots. True, mod making is difficult, and this guy is pretty much a newbie, so its okay that its not that great of a mod, and you shouldn't make fun of him. But dude, stealing things from other mods is usually [i]not tolerated[/i] here. I've seen many a level or mod taken down for stolen material. Just last week a level was taken down for using a matpack that the author was not credited for. Go ahead and make mods with "unoriginal" material, but use them as a basis of construction, as a tutorial for the future, don't release everything you make because theres something cool in it.
Posted: 2001-07-23 4:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
ok, hold on guys, who cares if he took stuff from other mods that doesn't make the mod any less good, this thing is cool. It gives something that hardly any other mod gives. Fast SABER SWINGS, instead of SWORD SWINGS, I would much rather have a fast jedi, then a fast ninja.
Posted: 2001-07-25 6:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Any idiot with half a brain can make the saber swing faster u just need to edit the saber_weap cog. hell if u guys support crap like this which is just ripping off another mod then maybe i should release my GOTLE (guardians of the galaxy lethal edition) which is just guardians of the galaxy but with more powerful saber swings and its easier to hit with a lightstaff, then i can claim that all the work was mine and then release 3 other mods after that, which doesn't change anything just like this guy did. i don't care how much time he spent on it, or how hard he worked on it, it still is a rip-off, and a copy at that.
Posted: 2001-07-25 6:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
*double post)
Posted: 2001-07-26 5:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
shut the hell up you idiot, your a computer nerd, if you don't like this patch then stop comming here. God your stupid.
Posted: 2001-07-31 6:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
first of all firestorm, you would have to change the name, you can't just add lethal edition to the end of the name of a patch that already exists. Incase you didn't notice, crouching tiger hidden jedi has a completly different name than ninja kage. Are you blind or just stupid?
Posted: 2001-07-31 8:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
Gee wiz guys. If the editor spent 2 months on this "Project" then at least give him some credit! But on the other hand... ripping off mods is pretty lame.

-New Level Coming Soon: Fett's Hideout-
A fast paced Mp level with the classic look of JK but new editing elements like sector design and new mats. Look for it soon in a JK site near you.
Posted: 2001-08-25 4:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
The sequel of "A jedi's Discovery" is done, I just sent it 3 days ago. It should be posted soon. I think you'll be a hell of alot more impressed with it. Most rooms consist of sector design like the guy above me was talking about in a multi player level. It's got lighting, sector design, all but three objects are entirly new. There is only one enemy that actually came from jedi knight was the drone gun. And there was 3 of them. And an ending that will leave you hanging for the sequel.... "A Jedi's Discovery2: The Dark Mask"
Posted: 2002-08-27 12:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
forget wot them stupid assholes r talkin about stealin things. new mods come out all the time an it gets harder 2 think somethin up which is totaly original so i dont blame u for stealin things from other mods. if people didnt steal ideas from othe people we wouldnt have half the stuff we have 2 day(its the way of the world)an its obvious u put a lot of hard work into it. well done!
Posted: 2002-09-17 5:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, I rate it a five, five for effort. dont have much time cuz i have a paper due in english tommorrow so, ill make it short and sweet......How do you make a mod? somebody please tell me...I want to make a halo mod. a total TC a true TC (there are very few out there)if you know how and are willing to help, email me at good mod...later
Posted: 2002-10-12 9:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
I would just like to say good debate guys. You guys put some really good arguments in there and some people put in some very idiotic comments in there. I came out on zippy's side. Oh yeah and zippy this Jedi thing you advertised what is it it sounds freakin cool.
Posted: 2002-12-11 4:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
I will agree with many of the people above. Sure, he spent two months on it, he changed the file title. But it is evident that he has stolen material from other mods. If -any- creator found their material in your game and found you taking credit for it, it is easily in Massassi's power to remove this mod. As far as I remember, in Ninja Kage's readme, it clearly states in order to use their material, you must take it up with the author. I don't mean to diss you or anything, but get an original idea. It is horrible to see you take material from others and call it yours.

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