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The Harbinger's Call

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » The Harbinger's Call


The Call is heard. You raise your head as it resounds around you mind, whispering softly a Siren's Song of urgent challenge. Another approaches. It weaves around you like leaves on the air, beckoning, commanding as a Puppet Master. There is but one action to take. Answer it. This is a Saber Level, designed for 2-4 People. It is set in the scene of an Ancient Temple like Arena. I created this for No Force, and thus there are no Force Items of any kind. Neither are there any Health or Shield Items. In an Arena. There are no second chances. Heed the Call. Take the Journey.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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79.3 KiB


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Posted: 2001-09-06 6:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
The screens look nice, still have to try it out but so far so good
Posted: 2001-09-06 7:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this a seven. I have no problem with the game textures (no doubt someone else will) or the fact that there are no powerups etc. Lighting would have gone a long way here to make it better. The texturing was pretty nicely lined up, except there IS a way to make them seamlessly wrap around the pilars. A little variation on each side would have been nice too, so that it doesn't look like you copied and fliped and pasted. Over all, though, this was nicely put together with gameplay in mind and the architecture is above average. Keep it up.
Posted: 2001-09-06 10:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this a 9. The reason is I love using Lightsabers and Lightsaber mods, and since this has NO GUNS and NO POWERUPS, you do not have people running away to go restock shields, go grabbing health boosts or getting those damn SUPER shields or DARK/LIGHT surges, which destroy a good saber only match. Good job. also, the structure is good, I like it personally. Very well textured. Could maybe use a bit of shadow though, for flashier saber fights :) Once again, good work! Keep it up!
Posted: 2001-09-07 6:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
Levels a bit small only has on place to fight really, it could have used a few more rooms but it looks fairly good. I prefer health and shields on levels too.
Shinmen Musashi
Posted: 2001-09-07 10:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level, great description. ^_^
Keep up the good work, home slice.
Posted: 2001-09-07 3:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
A very nice level, Aden. Though it would benefit from some items, and some lighting.
Posted: 2001-09-07 3:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gues u left SM Az. lol. Anyways, this lvl is real good for saber fights.
Posted: 2001-09-07 8:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is an excellent level in which to bake.
Mr. Coffee
Posted: 2001-09-08 11:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a perfect level for a one-one saber fight with SBX, or GotG. I give it a 10.
Posted: 2001-09-08 5:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
Basic level, but really fun to play. If you do an SE, make it creepier by making it darker... just a suggestion hehe. Gave it an 8.

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