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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Skydiving


The idea of the level is to fight in the air, the level has a door, in which you arise in with your opponent. When activated, everybody that are on there will drop. The combat begins in the air. Below there is a pool for the survivor, with an elevator for returning.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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16.9 KiB
BrR ObiWan


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Posted: 2001-12-30 3:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
The concept is good, but the level is horrible.

This is incredibly boxy, and the 'skydiving' part doesn't seem, from the screenshots, to feature a sky.

Also, have you even tested this? Unless you and your opponent jump at the EXACT same time, you will not be level with each other, and really won't have any way of hittin gthe opponent while in freefall.

I'm giving you a 1 for effort. it has an elevator and working doors. That's good. At least it's not a dflt-coloured bx.
Posted: 2001-12-30 9:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
umm there is no sky so its like air duct jumping
Lore seeker
Posted: 2001-12-30 9:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
1 for creativity. And I agree... air duct diving... If you make it work, and make the architecture a little more interesting, as well as texturing, then you could have stumbled onto a fun idea. Otherwise, nice try.
Posted: 2001-12-30 10:03 a.m.   Report Abuse
Have you ever played Batman: Vengeance on the Nintendo Gamecube? Batman can free-fall off of buildings and he has two special options. Pressing a "hotkey" can allow a player to accelerate, straightening their body and soaring down, and a button to decelerate, sticking out their arms and legs and causing the wind to hit their bodies more and slow them down. This would be an excellent idea for your mod, as I think this would be really cool if you re-did it. A couple suggestions are maybe using the dead player in a pool of water body shape as the deceleration.
Posted: 2001-12-30 12:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes, the idea is quite original, however, you shouldn't of submitted it yet. If you'd have patience to learn more in editing (honestly, which i don't) and make the level a bit more attractive then maybe it'd be a revolution in JK gaming... :)
PS. The elevator is quite buggy. A *switch* to turn it on would be nice. Overall rating: 1 (for the guts to submit ur first level)
Posted: 2001-12-30 1:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey guys, this is MY FIRST level..
thanks for comments
Jedi Legend
Posted: 2001-12-30 1:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level isn't even very original. A similiar level can be found here:
Posted: 2001-12-30 2:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
Heres what you should do. Make an airplane 3do with an open big door on the back. Have a scrolling sky around it so it looks like your moving. Then when you jump out you can fall through the bottom layer of sky. Then maybe thrugh some transparent layers of couds. Then you could land in any type of outdoor area you want. just set it up so the floors do no falling damage.
Posted: 2001-12-31 7:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
OH, ye one more thing. This level emm... *inspired* me to make one of my own (nothing to do with the skydiving theme, though), pretty crappy but OK for saberz. Emm I din't want to waste space on MASSASSI (its 1 meg due to music files) so if u want u can download it here:
Thats my first level too, thats y its so mmm... Monotonous... And how do u do doors anyway?!
Posted: 2001-12-31 7:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Doors? Well in JKEdit you can just insert a door object, go to Cogs in Level, choose one of the door cogs and fill in the parameters. As for Jed, I'm afraid I don't know...
Posted: 2001-12-31 7:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
Creativity??? Me and Radice_ were making a skydiving mod and level pack! I don't like this level at all. And the idea of jumping off places and fighting in the air has been tried many times...
Posted: 2002-01-01 7:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
from the screenshots, it appears to be a very,very,very tall box with some cogs..... but the idea is pretty good. i actually was gonna make something like this but i am horrible at lvl editing so i just trashed it. (mine came out something like this, probably worse)

[no rating]
Posted: 2002-01-03 8:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
I thought it was barely acceptable. Not the best, but not the worst. I admit: I could make half of the stuff he made, besides the door and elevator. But pretty good idea, but its TOO SMALL. Try again later...
Posted: 2002-01-04 3:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
... i don't get it ...

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