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Stories Untold Mod

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Stories Untold Mod


A long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away... the events of the Stories Untold occured. The sinister Lord Sepsis was raining destruction on the once peaceful galaxy. A young Jedi by the name of Rod-Wan Deattrod and his fellow apprentice, Qea-Ginn Tisal, face their destinies as they embark on a quest to restore peace to the galaxy. Follow the epic tale of the two Jedi as they pursue their destinies. Interact with the people that lived at the time of the Stories Untold, approximately 4,500 years before the Battle of Yavin. Wield powerful weapons that are later forsaken by other Force users... Will you use them for good... or for evil? Prepare to be immersed into the tale of the Stories Untold! After testing with others, a 3DFX card is required to play. While this mod was made 99% by ourselves, there is a 1% chance that there were items used as reference to further enhance the mod, that were made by others. Borrowed material may include: IWP2, GlowSaber, Ninja Kage, SBX 1-3, GOTG, possibly others. As we may have not gotten express permission to use some of the materials from the above sources, we acknowledge ANY material found in this mod may be borrowed. If you find such things, please e-mail Rod-Wan with the information and he will make the note promptly. We would also like to point that this mod is designed to use many features that people enjoy so we can let players have the most fun possible when playing. Also, the modification may have some bugs. We would like for you NOT to tell us, as we are continuing this project on Jedi Knight 2. Thank you!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
12.5 MiB
Rod-Wan Deattrod and [L0rD]ArCh0n


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Posted: 2002-04-08 4:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
I shall not say any more but... TEN 10!
Posted: 2002-04-08 4:52 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW, by the SS's it looks awsome. But is it just me or when you DL it the zip wont open. I've tried it 3 times now and it says it isnt valid and wont open it...
Posted: 2002-04-08 4:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
I put ten/ten because i played the beta, it was sweet, great mod doods :D
Posted: 2002-04-08 4:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sounds great, but whenever I actually start a game, JK crashes.
Posted: 2002-04-08 5:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
lordvader are you playing mp or sp? it is created with sp inmind however we havent gotten any level makers who know sp. ALSO I would like to point out that this it a BETA!!

P.S. My normal username doesnt work here or in EC
Posted: 2002-04-08 8:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Saber Throw doesn't work :(
Posted: 2002-04-08 9:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
Try reinstalling the game. BTW yes we know that saberthrow doesnt work ; as we are ending the mod you will have to go and remove force_blind.cog. I happend to know that the force levetation in the JK enhansement pack is pretty good so my recomedment is to open the mod in conman and remove force_blind.cog then use a lev mod ;)
Also yes that means you need a voodoo or some kind of 3dfx card. However I would recomend giveing it a try anyway.
Posted: 2002-04-08 10:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
No the force_blind feature was at first levetation but we droped it in hopes of getting a good saber throw then JK2 came out so....basicly do what I said in the last post. BTW reinstalling the game is all I can really say as you didnt really give that much detail on what the problem was. However I have encountered a like problem and that helped many times.hmmmmmm if it still doesnt work after that you can always delete the jkl file that normaly fix's any problems. I wont say it'll work for sure but why not try.
Chewie of JNO
Posted: 2002-04-09 4:31 a.m.   Report Abuse

Despite the few key flaws and the unusable force saber throw, this is incredible. It's like SBX in the sense that combat has rolls and all. The new flip is interesting and deals damage to those below. And the switching players option all with their unique force powers is great. For those who can't afford/support JO, this is for you.
Posted: 2002-04-09 9:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
My second attempt at the download proved successful--I guess the first one got corrupted.

All in all, a great collection of new features (as well as nice tweaks of familiar features). Aside from the few unusable elements and a bug or two, this is a lot of fun. My current system barely supports JO (*sigh*) and so this is a great change of pace.

Great job--I'm not sure if you're counting anymore (since you've moved to JO editing) but I'm giving this a 9.
Posted: 2002-04-09 11:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
pretty damn funky- this really rocks!!! only thing wrong is that some of my fav skins from SBX are missing- other than that its wicked
Posted: 2002-04-09 12:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok. I'll keep this brief.

50% or more of the content I liked was FROM OTHER MODS. Therefore, it earns a 5 from me.

Yep, what you guys made was good. Except only half it is yours, so you get half a score.

I liked what you guys did make, dual sabers, etc. When making things in Jedi Outcast, please, make it all your own work. Even if you acknowledge that some of it is from other mods, its really bad karma.

BTW - Maybe its just a weird glitch, but when thumbing through the gob, I noticed darkjedi_gorc.cog was labeled Sariss's in the headers...I'm not much of an editor, but WTF?
Posted: 2002-04-09 2:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
A TC? Hardly. Still nice animations!
Posted: 2002-04-09 4:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just a quick note. This is the mod that WAS going to be a TC however we have chosen to start editing JKII however we will be doing the same story line and such as you guys didnt get to hear all the other stuff we have planed. On a side note I'm note going to aurgue with your opinion but far less than 50% of the mod is from other mods. While the "ideas" may not be new the actual content is for the most part ours. I'll say some where around 20% of the mod is from other mods. This is because I chose to use awsome features from mods that have allready done a good job with them as people dont really want the grapple remade 1000 times and soforth. anyway I really dont care how much of it I actualy made as much I care about how much fun you have playing it. ;)
Darth Tristan
Posted: 2002-04-09 7:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
JK editing is practicly dead. There is nothing left but noobie levels. SBX 3.1 for MotS was cancelled :(, so that is dead too. Everybody is editing JO, and i take this a great way for JK editing to go out. This is beautiful, and has many things that were before thought impossible in the JK engine, Such as:
-Sabers Leaving marks on walls
-Twin sabers with trails
-Much more!

I play this so much that I am afraid that im going to get bored with it! I especially like to dark jedi being replaced with other ones! a few things though:
-Jerec should not have been replaced by Darth Maul. You should have replaced him with Lord Pepsi or whatever his name is.

-If it is over 4,000 years before ANH, why is boc replaced by Vader?

-All of the male dark jedi probably shouldnt have Yun as a base. He is too easy to beat!

-How can an Ace be 1 and 11? What kind of person would allow that?


Can I have a cookie now?
Posted: 2002-04-09 8:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
You must not have gotten the fact that this is a beta and incomplete. Those were intended as "temps". Anyway thanks for the thought. Dont know what you mean by ace though
Posted: 2002-04-09 9:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
I was finally able to download this mod to check it out. Ha... well... as much as I could between random game crashes from sloppy coding and apparently missing MATs. It's very, very unrefined and does not deserve to be made a public release. I realize that the makers have stated it to be more or less a beta; however, it's called a full-on TC here. I sincerely doubt it was Massassi's fault for this as you have said, since they always put on the website for the title what YOU put as the mod title in the email. The word "beta" NEEDS to be in the title. That, at least, would make it more acceptable.

Anyhow, while the saber moves are somewhat improved from the original Rod-Wan Deattrod mod, they are still extremely fast. Also, the saber handles are pretty inaccurate compared to the Star Wars universe in my opinion. I don't see why Rod-Wan has such a thing for gigantic two-inch thick lead pipe saber hilts, heh. Human beings don't have big enough hands to swing around Gorc-size handles... let alone at inhuman speeds. A Jedi would need to use the force to hold one of these things. Also, the sound effects are just plain second rate. In this mod, there's what I consider some of the worst saber activation, deactivation, and wall hit sounds I've ever heard. I consider sound quality a very important aspect of a game, so bringing these awful things into a game that already has good sound is just plain tacky. Finally, I notice that there's quite a few things from other mods used mostly (if not completely) unaltered in this mod. From my own stuff, I noticed Kage's skin and converted diagonal AotL rolls from SBX, and from GotG ME, I heard some of their saber sounds, saw their saber stances, and so forth. Also, I found the credit to other authors rather rude to some extent—basically, because it isn't so much "credit" as it is a brief, disconcerned mentioning. I mean, they say something to the effect of, "Oh yeah... we forgot to mention that there MAY be things from other mods such as SBX, GotG, etc. in Untold Stories." That's about it. A 1% chance there's borrowed material... ha!

To finish this mini review off, I'd just like to say that Stories Untold left a very bad taste in my mouth, so to speak. I highly recommend not bothering to download it as it's just 12 MB of unstable beta material. At this point in Jedi Knight's lifespan, people have come to expect much more quality in mods than this.

Rating: 0
SS Gogeta
Posted: 2002-04-10 8:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
I levitated once, I think i held down force pull and jumped in the air, it was interesting...
Posted: 2002-04-10 12:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
ShadowX needs to pull the wedgie out of his butt. We stated above that we used some of the best aspects of other modifications to make this mod as enjoyable as possible for those who still play JK. Yes, we made the sabers fast... Is that a problem? Would you rather have the sabers move as fast as snails? We added fast sabers because it is awesome for gameplay. Personally, I thought the saber combat in SBX and the other mods were too slow. Frankly, it got boring after a while. If you think the saber handles are big, that's your opinion. The blade has minimal weight so it's not that big of an issue. It may not follow the styles of other Star Wars people, but then again, the lightstaff Darth Maul used as a single lightsaber on Tatooine in Ep1 was big. It didn't affect him... Also your comment about the sound is messed. No one else complained about sounds before. You're the first. As we said before your post, the skins were a place holder for the finished version when if it came out. However, like we said before, we decided to abandon the project for the better JO engine. Perhaps you could learn to read the other posts before flaming us. Lastly, the title WAS a mistake by Massassi. NOT by us. As you can see, they fixed it. Giving us a zero just shows that you can't admit that there can be mods as/more fun as yours.

Also, this is ArCh0n... I'm just using Rod-Wan's name.
Posted: 2002-04-11 1:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, it´s a real good mod for RPG:ing, but I agree with ShadowX, it´s mostly stuff taken from other mods(especially SBX 3.1 and GotG ME) put together... I give only 5
Posted: 2002-04-11 10:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
I really must admit I felt rather bad for being so harsh. Sorry about that. It's just really annoying to me to try out a mod only to have it crash on me a couple of times. Thus, all the other things I may not like much really stand out to me. Therefore, my rating isn't a 0 because I don't like certain sounds or whatever, it's because the mod doesn't WORK.

I really must say that the mod has a lot of potential; however, I stand by my previous comments about the stability and quality of it in certain fields (like audio, models, etc). Basically, my aim is to help provide drive for you guys to make improvements in the future.
Posted: 2002-04-11 2:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
I can see why there was borrowed material used. People like one thing, but they wish it would replace it in one of ther other favorite mods. Sadly, this dosent mean you did the same amount of work. To many borrowed things make the "TC" look bad. Makes it less of your own work. As for the rest of it... Saber moves too fast, the wall marks are all the same, and etc. Oh, and the movingsash is a bit messed up. It goes up whhen you jump, and down on they way back. It should be that the sash just moves a little (sideways or ripples or something) on the way up, and it goes upward when you go down (because of air).

This "TC" should end with "beta". Not everything runs smoothly, as u said that some bugs were still in it.

Oops, i wasnt paying well attention with the sash thing...
However, i'm probably being a bit harsh but... about the only thing cahnged is the saber. Everything is bacically just a changed 3do, that fires the same rate and projectile. Its more of a saber mod than a TC.

I do like your skins however.... they were well done.
Posted: 2002-04-12 12:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Oh... Oopse that file isnt suppose to be there. Sorry to the makers of goldeneye I was playing around with it and forgot to remove.
Posted: 2002-04-12 7:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
Not rating this yet because I haven't had a chance to test it... kinda addicted to JO... but there is a big problem in this Mod.

Unless I've missed something... or the authors contacted the creators of AotL or GotG... both of those Mods state in their read me that noone has permission to use any of their material in other mods.

I will play later tonight and rate it.
Posted: 2002-04-12 10:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well for one thing there is NO content from Aotl and we do have premissoin to use the content we used from Gotg.
Posted: 2002-04-18 2:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW!!! This mod makes JK into the game it was supposed to be. The only problems I had was that the new talking was too quiet and that my saves crashed the game. But who cares? A quick "thereisnotry" gets me back to the lvl I want.

I love this mod and I use it all the time now. It has given JK new life. 10!!
Posted: 2002-04-19 6:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
I've always been very fair in my rating of mods (except for my rating in Saber Blocking Plus 0.1, which I admit was my own blunder). But anyway, in regard to what Rod-wan/Archon and ShadowX said, ShadowX was really a bit too harsh. But I do agree with what he said, that this mod could use a lot of improvement. Why are you guys gonna carry on in JK2? I mean, just finish the mod in JK1 once and for all before moving on. It'll kinda be a waste too. And like the others said, you have a lot of potential, just that this is too buggy. Thus, I'm rating it 7, 3 marks being deducted. The first is because you guys aren't gonna continue work in JK1 and the second and third are because it's far too buggy. Your mod, if bugless and MORE user-friendly, could have earned you 10. Serious. And, if you were to work together with ShadowX, the result would be...erm shall we say, astounding. Nope that's not enough of an adjective, how about inhuman?
Posted: 2002-06-07 11:50 a.m.   Report Abuse

Although Ive only played this once my friend couldnt get the #9 saber (double) he was the right guy, but he didnt have a #9 weapon.
Posted: 2002-06-11 11:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is great. But you guys should not have given up for JK2, you could have left JK editing with a bang, sadly we have this buggy potentially wonderful mod.
Posted: 2002-06-28 10:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
this would be the best saber mod ever for me... but you can't change the color of the doublesaber/twinsabers and that's pretty important to me. if you know how i'd really like to know.
Posted: 2002-07-03 8:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
It works fine on my machine, but it screws up (Maybe) levels like JHS, or did I have a hacker there...anyway this mod seems better than SBX 3.1, the saber moves are quick, which I like cause I like to attack fast, it only crashes in MP Character select....I rush skin selections, anyway here's what I need to know and what is good about it.

--Need to know:
1. How do u get 2 sabers from the double saber? I must know because I want to use 2 sabers in 2 hands instead of 2 sabers connected to 1 handle.

--What's good about it:
1. The sabers look awesome, some people think u stole them, I looked @ the sabers carefully, they didn't look anything like SBX 3.1's or Gotg's sabers.

2. The skins are awesome, although I haven't looked at them all yet.

3. I like the repeater work

4. I like the option to switch from short saber to long saber.

5. I like the saber marks that they leave!

6. The moves are (1 word) Awwwssssome!

7. I like the graphics and work, seeing your character spin into a robe is really cool, in real life, u could get dizzy after a while doing that.....

8. Nice sith saber moves (or is it called double-bladed saber? by Noobs at the zone)

-- What I say to other people things and wait they said (few paragraphs)

1. One of my friends at the zone tried to make me hate this mod cause they said SBX was better, they also told me it didn't work ever, which is really false, it does work, just gotta have a nice computer for it, hey it does work on 56mb ram with 500mhz processor!

2. Someone told me not to use the mod ever, cause it screwed up JK for good, I've only seen this Effect in GOtG-16 bit edition, when it kept coming up when I selected another mod. That was the only error.

3. Those two people who told me those things are wrooooong. This mod does work, I give it a 10, cause the sabers look like Jedi Outcasts (I have a demo, and I look for great sabers like those in there) And everything else is neato, even the BM's are awesome! It does work, it doesn't suck.

---In short
Posted: 2002-09-01 12:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
OK, I have a bit of a beef here. When I first saw this thing I thought 'Awesome!' However, I started to notice certain things. The Sith Saber's top blade does not work. I read through the document that came with the mod and still can't figure out how to mae the double bladed saber into two blades. Also, giving up on Jedi Kight because Jedi Outcast came out is rather poonish. I would have loved to see this come out in a final release. Oh, and it's OK work but please do give more acknowledgement to the authors of other mods... I noticed that most of the sounds came right out of IWP 2, which I still have and love. Well, you got a 4 from me.
Posted: 2002-10-07 3:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Double - Duel Toggle – Can only be used when you are Lord Sepsis, take off your cloak, get out your lightstaff, turn on both blades, and push this button, and… you can have twin sabers!

PUSH WHAT BUTTON!!!!!Next time be sure you include the most important part of that sentence,I dont know how to get twin sabers?This button?What button?Jeez
Posted: 2002-10-12 1:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'd just like to say I give this mod a ten it was amazing, it blew me away. Oh yeah its obvious that this mod didn't borrow a lot from the other mods, my goodness the saber moves definately aren't from sbx3.1 its freakin obvious. the stuff used in this mod that was copied was stuff that everyone likes, would you like it better if this mod sucked. Personally I would hate if people made original stuff but it was crap. But this is 80% original. I can't wait till this is finished. There is a whole bunch of bugs in multiplayer but absolutely 0 in single player for me. Oh yeah and shut up about this morality of people copying of other mods. We slaughter thousands of babies in abortion clincs and your worried that copying of a mod is immoral? I give this mod a 10 I wish the scale was higher. Excellent mod.
Rod-Wan Deattrod
Posted: 2002-10-13 11:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
We'll I don't remember exactly but maybe we assumed that you would know to REBIND your hot keys before playing. You have to choose what you want the BREAk and the Dual phase to be. So rebind your keys bud.
Kyle Kelasheskee
Posted: 2002-12-16 5:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
Download this mod! "Stories Untold" was a real (yet frustrating) treat for me. In spite of all of its bugs, I regard it almost as highly as SBX. It seems like they took some of the best effects seen in other mods, cobbled them together, and then tweaked and added remarkable tricks of their own to the whole assemblage. If it weren't for the bugs, I'd be in total love with this thing.

The mod's postives? The sabers' glow effects more closely resemble the effects seen in SW:TPM (although the saber's glow is occassionally seen as a grayish "shadow" in some rare circumstances), and the odds of you decapitating limbs have been increased, and very rarely, a head or two will go flying. Sabers now leave scorch marks on walls (their presence needs to be beefed up a bit, directional marks need a little variety, and they have a tendency to float off of corners, but STILL neat). It has GREAT player-character skins/animations for new combat moves (with blinking eyes on at least one of the models!), you can adjust how your character is dressed in-game, new/tweaked Force powers/weapons (Force Move is WAY cool, it replaces Push/Pull, and allows a degree of control that is quite involving), new sound effects, Dark Jedi opponents have had their skins swapped according to the mod-makers' discression (with some nice surprises, including new moves and a little A.I. tweaking), you can switch yourself into ANOTHER FORCE USER in-game, and they each have different sabers, stances, and force abilities to boot. Just as with SBX, when this mod is activated, you really feel like a Jedi (until you want to save or load a level, at which time you feel like a Jawa that's just been turned to chunky goo under a crawler's treads, see below). With all of the super stuff being said, let me see if I can help make this mod a little more enjoyable by my listing the bugs I've found, and the solutions that have worked for me thus far.

The negatives (and possible ways to address them without editing):

*Read the articles that were included with the download--Duh! You'll find out that saber throw doesn't work, and some other important stuff too (like how to adjust saber settings). There are a few mistakes in the article however, such as mentioning that we have the following weapons, when we don't: tri-Add lightsaber nor the deadly trihicular (they at least SOUND cool, don't they?).

*The most frustrating bug is this: if one is playing as Lord Sepsis (a most interesting Sith lord), one has to be careful WHEN to use his special separateable-lightstaff. It's crashed the game whenever I've used it during the saber battle levels (the only exception to this is when I've battled the first Dark Jedi opponent, Yun).

*Never save a game while any of YOUR sabers are on, or while they are making a noise (even if it's just closing down). The level will never load again if you do.

*To get a RELIABLE save that will start up problem free, save your level with NO WEAPONS in your hand.

*Never save a level that has an encounter with a saber-weilding character in it, for it will refuse to load again. Save the level JUST BEFORE it, start THAT level up, and then right away type in the cheat "thereisnotry" to skip to the start of the NEXT level's saber fight. Doing this will save a LOT of time trying to get to the really cool looking duels.

*If at ANY time you should die while your saber is activated, the game will most likely crash when it tries to restart the level, especially if you're Lord Sepsis in the midst of a saber battle. So retreat, heal often, and avoid pits (good tactics to use anyway).

*As far as I can tell, the mod doesn't work in Multiplayer.

Wow, when you look at that list of negatives, one might think, why bother? Now re-read the positives. Try it out, trust me when I say it's worth the extra hassle. Most of the levels in Jedi Knight are free of saber to saber combat, so it's not too often you have to remember how to handle saving. Now, I have found a scratch-made level that will also work with Stories Untold, and it's called "Jedi Hell (aka 'Saber Party')." All of the regular Dark Jedi are swapped with the ones modified in this pack for the regular JK game, only this time, all of them are on screen at the SAME time, making for a fairly interesting saber exercise, to say the least. Just so you know, this rather simple level strips all of the Dark Jedi of their Force Powers, so just try sticking to your saber alone for some truly intense action. A heads up on "Jedi Hell," it's a level that's hard on the eyes because it's just one big cube with saber weilding enemies and tons of items thrown in. Thus far, I haven't found too much success getting it to work with other scratch-built levels, but even SBX isn't perfect in those regards, i.e. invisible weapons in your opponents' hands (don't get me wrong, I will ALWAYS love SBX!).

So, in light of all the bugs, and being weighed against all the positives, I'm giving this mod a 7. If everything was ironed out, it would definately be a 10.

It's just a shame that the makers of this mod have decided not to at least stabilize what they have in here. There's a LOT of us JK-lovers out there who do not have a system that can handle JK Outcast. This mod extends our enjoyment of this game to a significant degree, and seems to be just a few steps away from becoming a true "classic." PLEASE at least stabilize the single-player experience for the scores of us out there too poor to upgrade our system! You'd make MANY JK fans very happy and grateful.
Posted: 2003-02-13 3:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry, but I can't get it to work. I dl'd it, opened it, got on Patch commander, started the game. (By the way, cool level start up backgrounds.) and when I clicked on New game it started up but as soon as the loading bar hit the end, the game shut off.

What do I do, If you say redl it, i'm on a 56 k machine and I don't want to dl this (Large) mod again.
Looks cool though!
Kyle Kelasheskee
Posted: 2003-04-28 5:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is NOT a review, but rather a means to fix a most annoying bug that is frequently encountered in both the "Stories Untold (StUn)" and "Saber Battle X (SBX)" mods.

More often than not, when one plays through Jedi Knight levels with these mods activated via Patch Commander, one may find that if a saber duel against a Dark Jedi is saved and then later replayed, that when it is reloaded the enemy's blade is INVISIBLE to the eye, yet it is still there because it can still do damage against the player when the invisible lightsaber strikes the player's body. Nothing kills the immersiveness of these dueling levels more than facing an opponent who's lightsaber is invisible.

After MANY hours of tinkering around with different approaches to restoring the glow to these invisible blades, I've found a solution that has worked for me every time for the original Jedi Knight missions, and has worked in the few custom levels that I've tried replaying. I'm assuming that due to the similarities between the coding of the games, that this solution may also work for the SBX mod for the Mysteries of the Sith expansion missions.

First, make sure that you save the dueling level immediately when it first starts to play the in-game movie. ALWAYS reload the level from this point.

When you later reload the level, you MAY still be facing an enemy with an invisible lightsaber, BUT if you allow yourself to be killed you WILL be able to see the glowing lightsaber when the dueling level RESTARTS.

Yes, it is sort of anticlimatic to allow yourself to get immediately hacked to pieces, but at least when the level restarts you will be able to experience the level in all of its glory and as the mod makers originally intended.

Now, will someone PLEASE come up with a patch that allows Non Player Characters to have their sabers generate glowing motion trails during a single player game?

And when is Saber Throw going to be made functional in Stories Untold?

I LOVE these mods. Great work everyone! I hope that this solution helps everyone enjoy these mods more thoroughly.
Posted: 2003-08-27 9:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm speechless that saber to cool its like off JO and that side roll is also cool an instant 10 ! I just cant get over tat saber just cool better that SBX well atleast the saber 10 10 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2003-09-05 6:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm stuned (get it? I just wanted to say that).
Posted: 2003-09-14 3:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the sabers and character switch! the Saber Throw is more like a slash and stab move. but sill! TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya hear!!! 10!!!!!!! TEN TEN TEN!!!!!!!!!!!! i am crazy!!
Posted: 2003-10-12 12:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is my favorite Mod ever!!!!! I like even more then SBX, this is great to play with and the sabers are an awesome effect

Kai Hiwatari
Posted: 2003-11-08 9:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Is there an official site for Stories Untold Mod?
Posted: 2003-12-04 2:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is the best mod ever the only thing i could find wrong with it is that in single player i can get daul saber easy because i can take cloak off but i cant in multi how do i
Mr. Fantastic
Posted: 2005-03-11 2:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
HOLY ****! This mod rocks! (and I don't say that very often!) DOWNLOAD NOW!

P.S. I found some really fun glitches (please don't fix :( )
both use force pull

1.hold force pull on item (do not try to move/pull) and while holding button... jump you literatly fly! :)

2.this one is even more fun! hold force pull on item and while holding button... use grapling hook on anything then unhook (Just don't let go of button) you will begin slideing along the floor with your legs in the floor, use grapling hook to move you in direction you want... and SLIDE!!!!!! :)


"Forgive me for asking, but I can't be expected to remember each person's
name. Unless you become another Sephiroth. Yes, Sephiroth... He was
brilliant. Perhaps too brilliant..."

President Shinra, Final Fantasy VII
Posted: 2006-06-14 3:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
I see great potential, and ideas in this mod.. The infamous ''Two Handed Saber'', was finally incorporated in a mod, halfway well.
I commend you for that.. However, I don't believe I would have released this unfinished project as quickly as you did.. That alone, has the potential to ruin the popularity of a project, just due to first impressions..

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