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River of Blood

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » River of Blood


A small FFA and Duel map that takes place in the middle of a small pool in front of a Jedi Temple. This map is intended for lightsabers only, but I've added weapons for those of you who can't play without them. Comments welcome! Oh, and by the way, it only took me a day or so to make this.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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423.1 KiB


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Posted: 2002-04-23 10:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
awesome job
Posted: 2002-04-24 12:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
When I saw levels being released already I groaned out loud, but it looks very good from the screenshots. I'll see about getting it downloaded tomorrow and provide more detailed feedback (and a rating).
Posted: 2002-04-24 2:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
A fantastic effort Grate originality keep up the good work. Hope to see some more ? It seems it can be loaded into SP game as well. !!!FIRST RATE!!!! :D
Posted: 2002-04-24 4:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
excellent work!
Posted: 2002-04-24 9:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
'By the way, it only took me a day or so to make this.' I'm sorry, but that just sounds kinda lame. It sounds like you're either trying to cover something up, or you're bragging, or something. Level does look nice, though. It looks more like an imperial mining station than a temple. ;)
Posted: 2002-04-24 1:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
He's saying it took him a day becuase he's illusrating the point that level editing isn't that hard when you put your mind to it. It's encouragment, naturally.

Great job. It's obvious though that you've had exp before with other editors, like Q3Radient, or JKed :P
Hard Driver
Posted: 2002-04-24 1:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wow. I thought this was going to be literally a river of blood :). What we need in MP levels more though is a point of interest(e.g. reactor core, carbon freeze chamber, etc.). Good job, you really do show talent with JK2.
Posted: 2002-04-24 3:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
First of all, I'd like to say that if this is your first map, good job. Secondly, if it's your first map, remember the first map rule: Don't release it. The brushwork and lighting are both pretty good for an early JK2 map. But...

I spotted some z-fighting in a corner.

You should add some clip brushes to the cliffs of the level so people can't force jump up there. If you want people to be able to get up there, you should fix some of the lighting in the cliffs.

My biggest whine though, is the powerups. I mean, 5 large shield boosters? Five?! And in one small room nonetheless! Two of them are less than 15 metres away from each other! Not to mention that all of the gun powerups in the map can be picked up in about 12 seconds. A less important whine is that the light force enlightenment holocron is easier to get than the dark force one.

Oh yeah, and your light force enlightenment holocron isn't centered on the round thingy like the dark force one is.

Considering it's your first map though, not bad. Just don't release it next time.
Posted: 2002-04-24 3:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very nice work. 9 points for you. However it may have been smarter to showcase it first. Get some feedback from the people you're making it for and strive for perfection.
Posted: 2002-04-24 8:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
"Secondly, if it's your first map, remember the first map rule: Don't release it."

The "rule" is there to overgeneralize for the many new editors out there - people who show actual talent don't need to follow it..

"Considering it's your first map though, not bad. Just don't release it next time."

Not bad for a "first map"? It's not bad for *any* map.. if this was released in a year it'd still be good. I agree that powerup placement is iffy, and there are some minor errors in level design, but overall a solid map. Even more impressive considering it took about a day..
Posted: 2002-04-24 10:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad is a compliment. If it was released in a year it'd still be good? Unlikely, considering the item placement is far beyond "iffy". The errors in level design are really no problem, but I said that before. Just a patch of z-fighting and some clip brushes. Completing a map quickly doesn't make it more impressive.
Posted: 2002-04-25 4:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty good map, just too bad that once again bots tend to jump like mindless idiots. Other then that it is a very enjoyable map, now to fix that bot thing....
Posted: 2002-04-25 4:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
Bots jumping around like idiots? Sounds like the author didn't add bot navigtion support. Anyhow, judging by the screenshots, that's one sweet looking level. The author has some talent there. It's obvious that he had experience with Quake 3 editing because no way in HELL can anyone learn to can learn edit to JO THAT fast. I wish I could comment futher but I can't since I do not own JO yet and unable to play it for myself.

-- SavageX
Sabre Wielder
Posted: 2002-04-25 6:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
Overall, this is a good has a fairly creative design, and was fun to play. However, your item placement was...well, it reduced my rating by two points. The only item I thought was placed well was the Sniper rifle :-P But keep cranking out levels! Just put more time into them...?
Posted: 2002-04-25 7:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
Very good for a first level but you shouldnt have released it considering it is your FIRST map overall nice level i give it a 9
Posted: 2002-04-25 9:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
Flub Flub!

Excellent map! Looks even better than the beta I played a day or so ago. and to the people that said something about this being his first map...I reccomend downloading "Wazzit's mining facility" or perhaps going to planet Vampire, and looking around for the level he released there. This is far from Wazz's first map, so the "don't release it" rule...doesn't even come close to applying.
Posted: 2002-04-25 11:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
"if it's your first map, remember the first map rule: Don't release it."

I was unaware that it wasn't his first map. Open betas are sometimes the way to get the best input on recommended changes prior to release, unless you have lots of editing friends to help with the testing.
Posted: 2002-04-25 11:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
I love it!!!......looks great from the just wondering if you die if you fall into the river like in the third level for jedi outcast......but i still gave it a should make a single player level! :)
Posted: 2002-04-25 4:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
great level . i gave it a 10
Posted: 2002-04-25 8:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not too shabby, but I gave it a 5 for two reasons:

1.) For FFA games, it's a mess. The sniper spot is virtually unreachable if someone's already up there, and there are even darker spots you can get to to snipe from. The gun placement is obviously only chosen for symmetry in an attempt to get most of them in the map, and shields are all over the place. Even in saber only games, shields are so easy to comeby that it's just pointless.

2.) It's better for dueling, but not a whole lot; you can get to the cliff tops all around the map by wallwalking, not to mention the sniper spot, making it easy for people to just camp out up there and keep pushing the other person back. Hiding places on a duel map are a no-no.

It looks nice, and works pretty well for dueling if you know the people you're playing against, so I didn't give it a lower score. Overall, you could definitely have put more though into the actual playability of the map.
Posted: 2002-04-25 9:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
really good lol I wish I could do that in a day I gave it a 10,and I got another map in the works but I cant showcase it because massassis forms I cant sign up for "they Closed the sign ups"
Posted: 2002-04-28 6:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
I give you a 10 for old times sake, although I'm tempted to take it away seeing as these good people (or may be idiots) seem to think this is your first map. lololololol

Oh my god.....

This man has been mapping for years, and was even mapping for a company, for a project that fell though. See the skill in the map?

Its just a quick one, so there are problems, like the force jump, but if you want to brake a map, you always can. The player can always find away to see behind the scenes. If they want to its their fault if they see that.

Its for a dual... i.e 2 people. So why do you need bots? surely its a simple online map, for a quick little fight.

The graphics look good, and the brushing is top. Thought about importing snowbank or chicargo into WorldCraft and making them in to jk2 levels?... no?... hmmm lol

For all you who think this is a first map, get off your high horses, and look around, how many maps have you done? do you have at least a couple of years under your belt like Waz? no? Thought so.

Anyway, pop into #rpgX sometime mate.

Posted: 2002-04-28 7:47 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think it looks marvelous. It takes an attentive eye to create an architectural masterpeice.

I ought to know - I've been studying archtecture for a while and working in JK2Radiant for about a week.
Posted: 2002-04-28 10:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
Darkness40k, if he's been editing as long as you say he has, I really would expect something A LOT better, its a good map though.
Posted: 2002-04-28 12:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
wonderful. If you haven't gotten it, get it. Great for saber duels. The water gives it a whole bunch of coolness ;)
Gordon Farcus
Posted: 2002-04-29 10:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sheesh Det, give Waz a break, it's only a small level to get the map building ball rolling. The first level someone makes for a game is usually handicapped by the author learning the tools....and since JK2Radiant is a watered down model of an editor, this is especially true now. Wazzit has done some spankalicious work before, especially in the previously mentioned commercial project so rest assured this is just the beginning...
Posted: 2002-04-29 7:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, Its a great level in itself but alittle small for my liking. Im still looking very forward to large explorable levels like in JK with secrets and traps ;)

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