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The Mega-ZZTer's Bot Pack v1.1

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Mod » The Mega-ZZTer's Bot Pack v1.1


V1.1 adds 2 new bots and fixes one very minor bug: Dark_Mega_ZZTer had a orange saber. It was SUPPOSED to be red. Well, I like Jedi Master mode, so I didn't get to see other sabers much ;). _Link007 is a bot representation of my brother. I asked him what he would have it say and I put it in there. PerfectSniper always aims perfectly, so if you aren't moving he will always hit you. His favorite weapon is the Disruptor Rifle, although I don't think bots use the secondary fire :(. I added a list similar to the one in JO's readme.txt to showcase the bot stats. I am very pleased that v1.0 was received so well... I will go on to make a weapon/force tweak next (details buried in readme). Have fun!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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299.1 KiB
The Mega-ZZTer


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Posted: 2002-05-30 11:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
After playing with the bots i found many improvements that could be made.
-PLEASE make the jumping a minimum. I thing i hate is playing with bots that jump ALL THE TIME!!!
-Make the bots more likely to attack rather than jumping around you.
-If in a force choke try to make them "push" out of it, not just choke to death

Posted: 2002-06-01 11:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
1.) Play on a botpathed map. bots are extremely stupid on non-botpathed maps. Use any of the reatil maps for instance. This should solve 2 of your problems straight off the bat.
2.) Bots don't push out of grips unless they are in certain surcumstances. a.) They must have force push b.) They must have force energy (which they waste of jumping, refering to 1) and c.) they won't do it if you keep using grip on them a lot of times.
Krimson Hellkite
Posted: 2002-08-16 11:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
I don't mean to be evil, but these bots are honestly much worse then the regular ones that come with the game.

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