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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » Conduit


This is a little something I whipped up while bored one day. It's a small, 2 level duel map that takes place in a power generator plant. Full bot support, and some decent lighting as well. Courtesy of us at the Royal WorkShop.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
680.4 KiB
Joren DarkStar - The Royal WorkShop


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2002-06-28 2:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
not bad.....I like it....Kinda.......FIRST COMMENT! WOOT!
Posted: 2002-06-28 4:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent. Not too big, not too cramped. Nice detail.
5 D
Posted: 2002-06-28 10:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad at all. I gave this an 8.

Not to cluttered and not huge

Good work.

Posted: 2002-06-29 12:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
"This is a little something I whipped up while bored one day." You did this in one day?
Posted: 2002-06-29 4:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
1 day? i'm sure i've seen several screenshots over the period of a month at your editors corner? nice anyway!
Krimson Hellkite
Posted: 2002-06-29 8:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
This isn't all that great of a level, but it looks great! Pretty blue colors... 8/10
Joren DarkStar
Posted: 2002-07-01 5:50 a.m.   Report Abuse
"This is a little something I whipped up while bored one day." You did this in one day? -

Let me clarify. It did only take me 1 day to build this map. HOWEVER, it then took me the rest of the week to align all the textures, fix the frame rate, and other assorted "small" tasks, that ended up taking longer to fix than the level took to make!
Anyway, I know this isn't the greatest level, but like I said, I was bored, and wanted to practice with pipes (as I never did pipes before), and work on eye candy.

Believe me, I have more entertainment value invested in the maps I preplanned.

Now, if I just can tear myself away from "Shining Force" emulated on the dreamcast and get my butt back to Kessel...

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