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Crusader 1.1

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Crusader 1.1


My first skin! This crusaderbhas a red huge cross in his chest and his back. This was made using the Raven "Prisoner" model, completed with "Galak's" gloves, pants and boots.

mscbuck's note: There is only one screenshot due to a mistake on my part.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1.3 MiB


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Posted: 2003-04-05 10:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
You probably shouldn't have released it being your first skin, and it looks nothing like a true 11 -13 century European Crusader, but it is definately not too bad for a first attempt. I like the middle skin in the screenies...though the other two aren't as good.

Again, good job on a first skin, I just hope everyone else will be as optimistic. :-)
Posted: 2003-04-05 11:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
The two team color skins should have shading in the white cross area.
Posted: 2003-04-05 10:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey thanks for the C&C;! actually the accurate version is that this is my first submitted skin, i've made another one using my face and luke's model...well trust me, you can count that skin among the most hideous things the universe has to offer

About my crusader, gunboy, you're totally rigth, the team color versions are quite bad, i think most of us when doing this for the first time want to finish it ASAP in order to show it to someone, guilty as charged. I didn't put too much effort in the team versions, besides, shadowing the cross would have mean to allow the diagonal bars from the prisoner chest to show too much for my taste, i decided for the (in the moment)best-worst option sorta speak.

About the skin not looking like real crusaders from the 11th-13th century, heck, i would need to make a model for that, waaaay beyond my range at the moment, maybe in a few months ill try it (if there's people here still checking this stuff up lol). Actually i tried to make some kind of "future" crusader, or so i want to believe;-) heck, the guy can be mistaken with some kind of F1 pilot, or an english-bannered guy, i've just wanted a guy with a HUGE red cross in his clothing. thanks again, i was almost sure this wasn't going to be actually posted, now i'm quite happy!(happy enough to go and start making some new cooler skins weeeee!)
Posted: 2003-04-06 4:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
hehe, he looks more like a raver, the poses in the screenshot don't help any :)
Posted: 2003-04-06 10:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
heh, the one in the middle is hilarious, its the beginning of the "maul" backstep movement, but it looks like a soccer goalie kicking the ball

Thanks for your comments
yam man
Posted: 2003-04-08 7:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
Attack of the multicolored medics! Is it me or does the guy in the middle remind you of a red cross worker diving into action. Heh, good job on the skins man.
Posted: 2003-04-08 7:27 a.m.   Report Abuse
i knew i was forgetting the most obvius resemblance!
thanks for your comments yam
Posted: 2003-04-21 11:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
umm HIS FIRST SCin i dont own jo [damn awfull 3d card] so thats why it looks great to me. btw im new here!!!!
Posted: 2003-08-09 1:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
0 need i say more...sure y not omg kid on listen i made skins for like counter strike half life quake tfc etc. WHAT YOU DONT DO I PUT A BIG RED CROSS ON A GUY AND HAVE IT AS A SKIN ok sorry had to bring him up to date cause i bet he still plays dark knight LOL peace
Posted: 2005-07-26 8:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
well, I hope you enjoy your quake, CS, and half life skins kiddo, I sure enjoyed mine

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