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The Empire's Revenge part 2

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » The Empire's Revenge part 2


This is my second SP level and it's a follow up on The Empire's REVENGE!

You are to take over a base and fight the person behind it all. I must advise you to not read the TIPS.TXT unless you are 100% stuck!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
20.6 MiB


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Posted: 2003-06-21 6:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just want to inform you that I had this level ready made a long time ago. Reason why it took so long for it to come here to massassi is because I submitted it 1 day before massassi had file problems.
Posted: 2003-06-22 2:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry, you all. I see that the file got corrupt when I was sending it to massassi. So I've sent them the complete ZIP file, and it is just a matter of time before they replace the file... Mean while, just check on this place from time to time...

And you Massassi Leaders! When the right ZIP is installed, do submit a comment here saying it's done!

Posted: 2003-06-22 9:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
maybe u could upload it somewhere else, let us know, and then bring it back to massassi when they have everything fixed???
Posted: 2003-06-23 5:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
Fine here:
But do comment about it here!

I'm surprised that they let the file come up without checking the readme file if it was authentic...
Posted: 2003-06-23 1:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a nice map, and one that can be improved upon. First of all, there are some enemy placement issues (too many in the bar)and some more time could have been spent on architecture. The train would have been cooler if it had moved faster. You should show Kyle committing suicide in the cutscene if possible. The part before the sabre duel was funny. All in all, I rated this a 7.
Posted: 2003-07-26 3:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
OK! It is all fixed!!!
Everyone who has played it, submit as many Coments as you'd like!!!
Don't hasitate!


Posted: 2003-08-15 9:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok I realy thought this level was tricky cause of the pit n level 2 but if you have Force Pursuausion you can knock this level down except the parts where you have to cross cause oh boy I died a bunch put sooner or later you can get through it. I liked the ending you make great cutsene's! I just though of somthing if this is a level after Jedi Outcast wouldn't Kyle's Saber be blue instead of green? Anyway good job on level. ( 5 )
Posted: 2003-08-28 1:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
I just though of somthing if this is a level after Jedi Outcast wouldn't Kyle's Saber be blue instead of green?
Well, remember he has been in stacis for so long so maybe his blue lightsaber is now scrap and he liked the color green better... By the way, aren't saber colors optional?
Posted: 2003-08-28 11:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is *much* imporved over the last one, and that means it's very good. I liked the sense of humor in the first, now you are starting to add texture and life to the levels...keep working, you will have an explosive combination.

I know it seems like there are so few people interested in JK now that JO is out, but we're still out there. ;)

Only criticisms-

Text scrolls too fast. I had a real hard time reading it before the next text came up.

Still a bit boxy, though much improved

Oh, and making Darth Bosnier's voice funny was a good idea, but his voice turned out just horrible sounding. You need to tweak it some more. :p

You seem to have an excellant grasp of cogs! If I had your grasp of cogs, I would still be working in JED...alas, cogs were why I quit. :(

I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend your cog expertise to me soemtime, if I were to start working on a level? I don't mean now, I'm too busy with other projects now, but at some point in the future?

Anyway, I gave this level an 8, it was that much better than the first (and with some work, future stuff could easily be tens!)...and not just because I'm sucking up to you for cogging help (ok...well, maybe a little, but I really did love the level! I was grinning through most of it :p)
Posted: 2003-09-02 6:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hey! Connemara!
I'd like to teach you stuff, but there is only one problem! Your Email address does not seem authentic. What do I mean? Well, I got a returned mail when I tried to send you a little text. Please send me the authentic stuff: - Subj: Connemara says.
Posted: 2003-09-17 7:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
My bad...that address is three years old! My current e-mail addy is :)

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