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Rooms of Doom

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » Rooms of Doom


Alright, this is NOTHING like the Lazer War edition maps...*wipes brow* I have made a map consisting of 8 rooms, each themed differently...1) a snow-based map 2) a force-saber-duel room, 3) a rocket, slippery-floored room, 4)an ammo and item dump, 5) a teleport room.(going under the arches with I,II,III will teleport you to different locations. Going under the central arch will also teleport you, only the arch with no figure above in the cylinder will do nothing. ) 6) a big room, filled with "foxholes" and a flechette, a repeater, and rockets, 7)a yavin-like room, with trees, water, etc. 8) a maze... has weapons with bouncing projectiles.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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836.0 KiB


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Posted: 2003-10-13 2:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
I just looked at the screenshots... at first I thought this must be a JK level, because the resolution was highter than Dark Forces.

I have some suggestions for you:
1) Learn how to use patches effectively.
2) never use all one texture (like that snow shot)
3) Make some effort to choose textures that fit the situation and make sure to stitch them! (Applies to the 2nd shot).

I suggest you take out a little bit of time, and try to make some interesting architexture that competes with Gonk's or gothiX's. Columns and pillers, water, glass, lava, railings, decerative details, all of these have been worked into levels successfully...

Also, if you are notusing it, I suggest using GTKRadiant. People seem to like it better than JK2Radiant. I haven't used JK2Radiant so I wouldn't know, but I do know that the latest release of GTK Radiant is compatible with Jedi Academy.

[Edit: I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but noone is gonna wanna play your level unless it's at least up to par with the Raven ones. That's just the truth.]
Posted: 2003-10-13 7:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok... this was a great concept. My big problem with your level is the number of graphical problems. With a bit more time you could have turned this into a truly great level. Another problem I had with this level is that you didn't well think out where you placed the guns... there's just too much ammo everywhere. Here are some things to keep in mind while creating your level:

1.) Try and more light/light contrast. It looks like you have little to no lighting contrast. It looks like you just used an ambient tag in worldspawn and left it at that.

2.) One thing that really turns me off to levels is clipping effects. On half your doors when they open they clip with the surrounding walls. You can fix this by offsetting the doors just a little. You also had some on the plasma type shader, your brush extended past where it should have into a surrounding brush.

3.) You have to remember that skyboxes DON'T hide brushes that lay beyond their own brushes. If you can't offset the rooms enough try making the rooms look more attractive on the outside.

4.) On your curves be careful that they intersect onto the wall so you don't have a visual problem. Also in one of the hallways you had a hallway that used an endcap. at the point were they intersected you just left it a square. Try bending the endcap using "v" in JKradient or GTKRadient.

5.) Try varying the textures and achitexture it was a little too bland.

If you keep that stuff in mind you'll be able to come out with a truely great level next time. I would recommend redoing this level... this level has great potential. I'm looking forward to your next. This one was fun to play =)
Posted: 2003-10-14 1:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
OK, PLEASE DO NOT dowload this file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I accidentally released the BETA version!! The REAL - FINAL version is WAY better....sorry for the inconveniance......
Posted: 2003-10-14 1:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just send an email to the levels address with the new file, explaining your situation, and one of the level posters should update the file for you. And be sure to ask them delete all of the comments and rating scores...

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