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Death Reborn

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Death Reborn


A small level set inside a temple. The level is covered in darkness so look out. Level is meant for 2-6 players, any more and it's too frantic.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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245.6 KiB


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Posted: 2004-08-16 6:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
Mmmm looks purdy.
Posted: 2004-08-16 6:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh crap i forgot about someting in this level wile i played it today. (hope it doesnt decress the score). Im glad someone thinks it looks "purdy".
Posted: 2004-08-16 6:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, this was a noble attempt at best... nice atmosphere I suppose... but a few things got to me though. The improper sky flag really got me dizzy and the "ramp" to the higher level was really just a cheap ledge on a wall. This type of archi was actually common throughout the map... dead-end rooms, a pointless pool, and ramps that go nowhere. And a jump pad would have been more effective to get into that one room... the grav-tube method leaves it quite difficult to get out of the room. All this and the fact was that the layout was not realistic are responsible for the extremely poor flow.
Posted: 2004-08-16 6:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, I got a question, were the heck is the improper sky flag thingy? I didnt see it at all, and i played with my friends in this level for about 5 hours and didnt see no sky flag error, and neither did my friends. The "pointless pool" was made so you would have to go and get the supershield at the bottem, and to make it alittle harder to get the conc rifle. I also wanted it to be an anti-grav tube because its a duel room up there. You dont want people running away from you on a duel do you? I do agree with you on the cheap ledge. I porbibly should of made that better. One last thing, there are dead ends in every level. Its not like its real life (even though there are dead ends) and you can keep on moving about. There were only about 2 ramps and one of them held up the shields and health. I dont mean to be *****in at you but, I didnt agree with you on somethings here.
Posted: 2004-08-16 7:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Look I have cooled down a little and just wanted to let u know dont listen to the comment I last said. I just had eally high hopes than it deserved.
Posted: 2004-08-21 4:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Bear in mind, I'd never have said anything if I hated this map. My criticism was meant to be constructive... allow me clarify.

1. If you had set the sky surfaces to the other sky flag (604 I think), it wouldn't look like it's warping overhead when you move around

2. By "pointless pool", I meant to doubt that a deep square pool be there in real life. It seemed like just a cheap excuse to have water in your level, and it really didn't do much for the flow or asthetics.

3. On dead ends... if you like them, so be it... but I believe dead ends rob from the flow and gameplay. I like maps that have continuous paths... so that every hallway has a purpose and every room has at least 2 exits. Check out how I did it in my MLP4 map, if you want an example.

4. Grav-tube. If thats what you wanted, more power to ya... but you have to understand, there was nothing that made me realize and say to myself, "Ah, this must be a duel chamber". It looked exactly like a mistake to me.

Look, I didn't mean to offend... and I know how it feels to receive negative criticism. But understand, my points are only meant to help, and to motivate you to build a better map next time.
Posted: 2004-08-21 8:11 p.m.   Report Abuse

I downloaded your level and i practicly craped my pants. It was one of the best levels I had ever played. After looking at your level and looking at your advice, my level doesnt even deserve to have a score, yet let alone be critisized. This time I will bare in mind everything you have said and try to make some what of a ok level. Thank you for your comments.
Posted: 2004-08-21 9:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well I'm looking forward to your next map then. ;)

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