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Theft on Nar Shaddaa (MP Cooperative)

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Theft on Nar Shaddaa (MP Cooperative)


The first, to my knowledge, true cooperative level for Jedi Knight. Intended for faster computers and modems, this level takes place on Nar Shaddaa, where you must fight alongside fellow thieves to steal a well-guarded Imperial shuttle. Includes new weapons, skins, enemies, and a few surprises.


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Level Info:

File Size:
1.9 MiB


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Posted: 2000-08-10 11:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is really awesome! I'm very suprised no one has commented on this, especially because it's not only the BEST multi-player cooperative level, it's a Zone favorite. Wonderful arcitecture and GREAT texturing, definatly a must have. The only disadvantage is that you respawn at the beginning of the level.

Could probably be solved with a COG that, when you hit a button, it jumps all the walkplayer objects to a different location, but I never tested that so I don't know if it would work.

My overall rating is an 96% DEFINATLY a must have people!
Posted: 2000-08-26 11:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is da bomb!!!!!! im gonna use it everywhere :) thx for the level
Posted: 2000-11-11 2:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is the best JK multiplayer level ever. The problem is that nobody plays it.
Posted: 2000-11-26 9:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
I love this level. Not only can I play it by myself (and there is a way to do it, just when you see a civilian get as much stuff as you can hold, and get some TD), but I can play it with people on the Zone. Whenever I host though I can only support 2 people w/o any annoying lag, so I have to try to find a cable modem using host. The plot is neat, the troops actions are great (when you get close he swings his blaster), and the blaster sounds and templates are better. There was one thing wrong though. Boba Fett. It isn't that he was too hard, he was too easy. Just walk past him and go outside. He doesn't move. But then you got those troopers with concs at you.... also, the AT-ST was a bit glitchy (when it shot downward the AT-ST would actually float in the air at that angle). You have to make another one of these Co-ops! Make it bigger next time, with some less COGs, to kill some lag. I give this a 10, because it is not only one of the first of its kind, but its the best.
Posted: 2001-01-18 7:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
"Force is strong with this One"...awesome...keep it up!!! May The Force B With U!

Posted: 2001-03-03 11:32 a.m.   Report Abuse
THIS LEVEL IS AWSOME. i never thought any levle could top JHS or barons hed rpg. i played this and it's my new favorite. I THINK THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST MULTIPLAYER LEVEL YET. althouh.. i wish someoen would make a starship rpg level. i think it would be cool. THIS LEVLE IS AWSOME i give it 10 thumbs up.

Posted: 2001-04-29 9:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Really great level. I recommend that everyone who reads this downloads the level. And Core, where'd you get ten thumbs? ;)

Yub, yub
Posted: 2001-05-06 3:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Finally!! A multiplayer thingy with AIs that actually has OBJECTIVES for once!! I'm getting it RIGHT NOW!!! (Even though I'm getting some other stuff at the smae time.)
Posted: 2001-06-30 2:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sweet level, dude! All the textures and stuff like that is really good looking. I really don't mind the respawn at the beginning.
Posted: 2001-07-25 8:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
Awesome level, good ai involvement, and best of all, a mod that shows the true strength of a thermal detonator.
Posted: 2001-07-30 4:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-08-01 9:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have heard many suggest that this level needs switches that will autosave the person who activated it. Meaning once that person has died, they will respawn there instead of at the start area. That would only make the level easier! If you are to make a sequel, please do not include too many of these. One or two at the most would be enough, just so the player will not have to begin really far from where everyone else is when the player dies (annoying).
Posted: 2001-08-10 11:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
I love this level! At last we can destroy things other than ourselves! YOU NEED TO MAKE A SEQUEL!
Posted: 2001-08-19 1:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is the best co-op level/mod ever made! Keep up the good work!!!
Posted: 2001-10-21 4:00 p.m.   Report Abuse

I'm a member of the MSN gaming zone. Alot of people like it, they play it alot. Im going to rate later tonight....
Posted: 2002-03-11 10:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'v looked through the comments and it sounds like THIS LEVL KICKS! I'm d/ling now, I cant wait!
Posted: 2002-04-20 8:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Vey nicely done.. I like the objective! This lvl took some time cooking up I can tell!
Posted: 2002-04-20 8:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
Vey nicely done.. I like the objective! This lvl took some time cooking up I can tell!
Posted: 2002-06-12 11:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
Wow! Excellent job! I love it! ^_^ Co-op levels rock!
The Dark Judge
Posted: 2002-08-02 3:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
I am a very avid Jedi Knight player. I also love co-op games. This is one of the best things to every hit the JK world. Are you considering a sequel my friend? Please do, it would be very fun and very interesting. You should think of doing Tatooine or Endor, both are very attractive. It would be good to do a city, desert forest combo.
In JK one of the things I always hated was the thermal detonator. It is weak, hard to aim, and inefficient. I think you've done a great job of fixing that problem. It's good how you've improved the AI as well. After all, how easy is a commando going to be to kill? In single player you could easily kill 5 without being scratched...
In conclusion I would like to commend you on a job extremely well done. As always, good job and keep up the good work.
Posted: 2003-01-31 4:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2004-05-08 9:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent! I agree with everyone else that some more spawn points would have been nice. I can imagine this being immensely fun with about 4-5 players. 8 might be a little hard to handle, and 1 is, as you said, HARD.

I've noticed several funny little tricks you can use to "get/do" stuff in this level. For one thing, if you get up to that guy in the cantina and tap your spacebar mega-fast, you get 5 bacta tanks in no time. You get a team of eight in there, and that's a 1,200 health contribution. It's the same with the girl near by that thermal detonator cache, only she gives you shields, which are even more valuable.

Plus, you can actually kill that At-St with a repeater, you don't have to waste a thermal. To beat one of these sorta levels effectivly, I guess you'd just have to be a powerup re-spawn camper. But that kinda takes away grom the fun.

I conclude with a rating of 5 stars, but I wonder what someone could do with this sort of concept now, with all the advances in JED and Jk editing in general . . .
Posted: 2005-03-28 3:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is brilliant. 100% captured the feel and look of Nar Shaddaa (Although I missed the containers! lol). It's tough to beat, so that's good. I simply love the atmosphere and reality in this level. I wish there were more good levels like this. Especially Nar Shaddaa, since it's my favourite SW location.. hehe 10/10

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