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Tower Hideout

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Multiplayer Level » Tower Hideout


This is a Medium to large size level for Mots Since i don't care to do any more work on Mots levels anymore this is my last level. Anyway this was my most ambitous project. The lay out is like this Theres a heavly detailed bell tower near the center. a house right next to it witch you can jump to and from the roofs there are several secrets a unfinshed area that allows you to change skins (unfinshed in the way the host cannot change skins) There is a rest area with disco music and lights and a prison area that actually works u can lock anyone up in there if you can trap them there. also the ai is present but they dissapear once you leave the room witch cuts down on lag (they are still unsynced but confined to small areas and they do not attack you if u have fists.)


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605.1 KiB


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Posted: 2000-08-12 1:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a truly great level especialy if you have Manowars 3. Using the climbing hook, jet pack and teleporter make this level even better. The level has loads of cool features such as a disco, prision and cameras which you can move around! It is a really fun level and you can trick your enemy by changing skins. It does get a bit laggy cos of all the AI but otherwise it it brilliant!
Posted: 2000-11-24 6:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
I thought the level was awesome. I liked the ai. And the moving cameras were a nice touch. But i hope you fix the clothes switch so the host can change. Keep up the good work Red. I gave it a ten.
Posted: 2001-03-21 7:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Red has made another greatlevel. Like Smeg said in his comment, it is good for mano3
Posted: 2004-06-15 12:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
I concur, with Manowars this map is another one of the greatest.

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter