Old News - September 2003
The Massassi Temple » Old News » 2003 » September
Disclaimer: We have been posting news since 1998. Many of the sites we previously linked to have long since gone defunct. Worse, sometimes scammers buy up old domain names and replace their original content with malware or objectionable content.
Thursday, September 4, 2003
Friday, September 5, 2003
Download (187mb)
In the event of being unable to use our mirror the following mirrors are also available:
3D Gamers
FilePlanet (membership required)
FileShack (membership required)
Gamer's Hall
GameSpot (membership required)
Samurai of the Grey
If you know of any other mirrors, don't hesitate to inform us so we can keep this list updated.
Saturday, September 6, 2003
Author: _Mantissa_
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: My Sky Higher level, copied/pasted to be a symmetric CTF level.
Author: SkyXax
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a small wood cabin set somewhere up in the dune type hills. It's my 3rd released level, good for 2-4 players. Tell me what you think, and I may make a second version!
Author: Mystery_Knight
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A Sariss skin for Jedi Outcast. Read the read-me for detailed information about the skin.
Author: Darthyun
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Battle it out with NPCS in this pit offspring available only in Single player. Features 1 light source for that creepy, dark, and dank feeling. Support for up to 30 NPCS (TESTED) and the player. This is my first level so any help you can give me would be very helpful!
Sunday, September 7, 2003
Author: _yo_wasup_
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level is a very fun level to compete in. There ares underwater Anti-Gravity tubes that suck you to different positions. At the top, you will find the main dueling room. It has a huge object of water that you can fight in with a ring catwalk around it. There are also two secrets with a way through the glass tube and a 2000 yard long slide. Hey, everyone loves slides, right?
Author: graves
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is version 2 of my original Snake model. You don't need the original for this one to work. This includes the MGS1 and MGS2 model. Both models have their own set of team colors and bot files.
Tuesday, September 9, 2003
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Author: Flexor
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a medium sized (somewhat larger than it's predecessors) multiplayer level consisting of platforms floating in the frigid atmosphere of a turbulent gas giant's polar region. It is good for 3-4 players. It includes new powerups and contains 16 bit textures. It features new music by Crystal Nova.
Author: Flexor
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a medium sized multiplayer level set in a very atmospheric and mysterious computer generated holographic arena. It includes new powerups and contains 16 bit textures. It features new music by Crystal Nova.
Friday, September 12, 2003
Cazor writes:
Hey, this is Cazor, Team Leader of The Matrix: Unplugged for Jedi Academy. I just got the new site up, so everyone go check it out here.As you can see we are in need of player modelers (who can skin also) and coders. Check the screenshots for the latest pics from the mod. I hope you like our progress so far! Thanks a lot.
Definitely check this one out.
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Monday, September 15, 2003
When the Imperials gain access to the Ion Cannon control platform the doors will stay open for 10/15 seconds (near/far door), the doors will close after the old delay if a Rebel opens them.Sounds good, so check it out!
botf_bepsin has been relit so hopefully it'll look a bit better
The Ion Cannon effect now gets reset properly
Rebels no longer get class points for opening their down door
If you're charging a weapon and you die, you'll release the charged shot
Detpacks/tripmines now explode with damage when the person who placed them died
Storm Trooper Blaster alt fire slightly less accurate
Bryar Pistol ROF is higher
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
I found a great easter egg in the Jedi Academy demo, and I thought I'd share it with my fellow Massassians. When playing the Tatooine mission, go into clip mode (type devmap into the console, then noclip). Float outside the level and you should spot a big brown box. Once inside of it, you will find two speeder models, including Zam Wessel's speeder from Episode II.

Pretty cool! I'm guessing if it's in the demo, it's in the full release as well. Thanks for sending this in, Rogue36, and thanks to DoZeR for confirming!
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Please, do not use levels@massassi.net to contact us! That address is for receiving files only.
Going through the e-mails in the account, I found an e-mail from the 17th reporting problems downloading levels. However, that address is only checked when our file posters are looking for files to post. E-mails to that address are not forwarded to the rest of the staff. They just sit there, and if they don't have a file to post, they maybe get read by one person, and maybe get deleted.
Also, if you have something to tell us, please try taking a minute to type coherent sentences, and have the decency to sign your name or screenname. E-mails like, "Y cant i down load levels" (that was the entire e-mail), or "wuts wrong with ur site???" are not helpful, and are actually annoying.
Perhaps if someone had reported the file server outage sooner, it could have been fixed sooner, possibly before the weekend. Unfortunately, the e-mails were sent to levels@, and didn't get seen. And, alas, I don't download files from the file server every day, so I don't always notice the problems as soon as they occur.
Well, thanks for your patience.
JKPaint version 0.8 (737KB)Take a look!
An editor for Jedi Knight BM, CMP, MAT, and SFT files.
[Download] (Temporarily down because of file server - check official site for mirror)
Major new features:
- SFT character editing.
- SFT internal palette support removed.
- Image zooming.
- Improved palette editing.
- Transparency color bug fixed.
- Help file.
[Official Site]
Send [UGG] email if you have any suggestions or bug reports.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Please be patient. Thank you.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
To use the server effectively, please read the instructions file on the server. Just click the link, the file is very hard to miss. This server is not by any means "fast", and is only meant as a backup until the main server comes back online. The files are also not completely accurate. The files are only current as of 8/11/03, meaning that any levels posted on Massassi after this date will not be on this backup. It should return with the return of the main server, so don't resubmit your levels.
If you have any problems, PLEASE email me, at CoolMatty@massassi.net and not the staff email address. Be sure we are trying our best to get the main server back online as soon as possible. Thank you.
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Monday, September 29, 2003
GameRaiders (91%)
GameOver: (92% - Gamers Choice Award)
Game Revolution: B+
Jolt.co.uk: (91%)
Tweak Town Gamer: (95%)
Christian Game Review (94%)
HomelanFed (87%)
Mirror 1 (12kb)
Mirror 2 (12kb)
Wednesday, October 1, 2003
Hi! ID_Junkguy here, and I can't wait to tell you the news! You all remember that Rolling Game mod I released a while back, right? Some people had problems with it, however, and thus were not able to enjoy it fully. So now, I am working on a new project called Rolling Revolution, and it will feature a completely updated Rolling mod. It will offer new and high quality stereo songs to roll to, improved cogs, and more!
In addition, I am going to package with the mod every single Rolling level ever released, including original levels by me, MrRavenX, and The Mega-ZZTer. In addition, I invite EVERY LEVEL MAKER out there to create and submit their own Rolling levels to me so that I can include it in the final release of Rolling Revolution.
I have also created a Rolling Development Kit (RDK) for people planning on making Rolling levels. It includes a mod that is almost the same as the original Rolling mod, but has modified cogs and improved physics so that level makers can test their own Rolling levels accurately. Also, it is full of information for Rolling level makers to get started. This RDK is available at my site NOW, so check www.junkguy.tk to get it if you want to have your level released with Rolling Revolution. The deadline is not announced yet, but it will most likely be in one month.
Thank you guys for being so great. Without your support, I surely would not have made so many fun mods for the Jedi Knight community! Keep Rolling!
- ID_Junkguy
Check it out!
Kirby writes...
Hello Massassi! jEDIkIRBY here with important news from the Underground Resistance! We’re having our 1st Competition, and you can be part! You’ve just got to join the Resistance and presto, you can take place in any of the competitions we host! Tons of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 action awaits you! The rules are here and the UR chatroom to get signed up is at the mIRC Server: irc.holonet.org Channel: #UR. Talk to anyone with an @ in front of your name, then start gaming! Hope to see more and more members over the course of the week! Have fun!
Dust off your JK disc (some people might kill me for saying that =P) and check it out!