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Jedi Academy Mods

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Academy Mods

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Classic Sabers
By: Darth_Kitty
Added: 2005-04-01
Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Comments: 3
Downloads: 1919
Extreme Sabers Mod
By: StaffSaberist
Added: 2007-09-09
Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Comments: 0
Downloads: 1218
JKA Tron
By: Reyor-Wan Semaj
Added: 2004-08-17
Rating: 10 (6 votes)
Comments: 8
Downloads: 2650
By: Wanderer
Added: 2003-12-18
Rating: 7 (5 votes)
Comments: 11
Downloads: 6874
Long Saber Mod
By: Jaguar 36
Added: 2003-10-22
Rating: 4 (13 votes)
Comments: 18
Downloads: 5933
Louis Vuitton LightSaber
By: bluedl
Added: 2007-07-19
Rating: 7 (2 votes)
Comments: 1
Downloads: 490
Melee Mod 1.0
By: Slice, Dice & Mince
Added: 2003-11-29
Rating: 9 (13 votes)
Comments: 20
Downloads: 9452
Mini Rancor
By: MasterN64
Added: 2004-09-28
Rating: 7 (5 votes)
Comments: 9
Downloads: 1146
By: Gigon
Added: 2004-01-08
Rating: 7 (7 votes)
Comments: 11
Downloads: 1257
Open Seasons Mandalorian V2
By: ExtremeX
Added: 2005-04-01
Rating: 9 (5 votes)
Comments: 4
Downloads: 3144
Rancor Pack
By: MasterN64
Added: 2004-10-07
Rating: 0 (7 votes)
Comments: 4
Downloads: 1536
Raptor Pack v1.0
By: Thrawn42689
Added: 2005-01-12
Rating: 8 (7 votes)
Comments: 8
Downloads: 2337
Razer Sabers
By: Nauree
Added: 2003-10-22
Rating: 8 (7 votes)
Comments: 11
Downloads: 8770
Reebo Sabers
By: The Max Reebo Band
Added: 2003-12-18
Rating: 9 (3 votes)
Comments: 11
Downloads: 4086
Rocket FX Upgrade
By: Thrawn42689
Added: 2005-01-12
Rating: 8 (2 votes)
Comments: 5
Downloads: 1705
SBX-JA Hilt Pack v2.0
By: ShadowX
Added: 2005-06-06
Rating: n/a (0 votes)
Comments: 2
Downloads: 5789
SBX-JA Sabers v2.0
By: ShadowX
Added: 2005-06-06
Rating: 9 (1 vote)
Comments: 3
Downloads: 3355
Short & Long Sabers for Jedi Academy
By: Diogenes
Added: 2007-09-09
Rating: n/a (0 votes)
Comments: 0
Downloads: 621
Single Player All Saber Colors
By: Teddy X
Added: 2003-12-07
Rating: 4 (9 votes)
Comments: 11
Downloads: 5579
By: Chuck
Added: 2004-05-12
Rating: 8 (5 votes)
Comments: 8
Downloads: 4729
Staff Sounds
By: PerfectJamie (aka Kir-Ja Yoshur)
Added: 2004-05-02
Rating: 8 (2 votes)
Comments: 2
Downloads: 1868
StarwarsiaNew Hope
By: Teddy X
Added: 2003-12-02
Rating: n/a (0 votes)
Comments: 4
Downloads: 2386
StarwarsiaNewHope 1.2 to 1.3 Update
By: Teddy X
Added: 2004-01-08
Rating: 6 (3 votes)
Comments: 7
Downloads: 3016
StarwarsiaNewHope 1.2
By: Teddy X
Added: 2003-12-11
Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Comments: 6
Downloads: 3988
The Glory Of The Sith v.1.1
By: M1k3
Added: 2003-11-06
Rating: 7 (4 votes)
Comments: 9
Downloads: 4409
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